Page 89 - Parameter D_BPA AREA VI
P. 89

Seminar on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
                                and COVID-19 Prevention Protocol

       Program   Objectives   Specific    Strategy of  Location/  No. of   Project   Funding  Collaborating
                           Project/Activit Implementatio  Site  Clientele Implementer/   Source  Agencies
                                 y            n                              s
     Seminar  As a result Conduct the  To conduct  Baranga 45          ISU-IPAG     ISU       ISU, LGU-
     on         of the     seminar on  the seminar  y East,  Barangay                         Echague
     Disaster  needs       Disaster Risk competent  Baranga Officials               Donation MDRRMO
     Risk       assessmenReduction      speakers     y West  and                    s         and RHU
     Reduction  t          and          were invited  and     residents
     and        conducted Managemen from the LGU Damma
     Managem , the         t and COVID-– Echague     ng       4Ps
     ent and    program  19             MDRRMO                beneficia
     COVID-19  was         Prevention  and RHU                ries
     Prevention conceptualProtocol
     Protocol   ize d to                DPA students
                help the 3  Distribute   initiated
                identified  hygiene kits donation
                barangays               drive activity.
                achieve                 The pooled
                safer,     Hygiene kits  funds were
                adaptive                used to
                and                     purchase
                resilient               hygiene kits
                communit                that will be
                y towards               distributed
                sustainabl              to 4Ps
                e                       beneficiaries.

                                                Prepared by:

                                    JESSICA C. MANAGUELOD, MPA
                                       Department Chairperson-BPA
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