Page 14 - 英文呈分貼題王小6上_T1
P. 14
Test1 charity show’s performances. Then, we has been known to encourage people
needed to sit in groups to discuss it with
to work harder in the workplace.
A1 everyone. We were excited.
1 B 2 B 3 A H
4 C 5 D 6 C After school, my group members and I 1 skating 2 lakes
went to the computer room to find some 3 indoors 4. warmer
A2 information to plan for the charity show. 5 music
i disappointed ii prove We were search.
A3 Finally, we sang in the school hall because 1 very few 2 enough
The mosquito is too proud and careless the charity show held in the school hall. 3 very few 4 enough
because he thinks he is the best and he 5 very little 6 very few
stuck on the spider’s web carelessly. 7 very little 8 very few
9 enough
B Test2
1 H 2 F 3 E 4 C A J
5 A 6 B 7 G 8 D 1 C 2 D 3 A 1 was having 2 coming
4 C 5 D 3 give 4 finishing
C 6i remember 6ii important 5 was 6 am
1 loves 2 saw 3 thought 7 have just finished
4 started 5 has collected B 8 haven't
6 is 7 keeps 8 works 1 A 2 C 3 B 9 will you come
9 enjoys 4 Alice wants to be a waitress, a chef and 10 was told 11 go
vet. 12 is waiting 13 to take
D 5 Paul and Alice are going to eat
1 No, John and his two friends did not eat something at the café. K
on the bus because they were starving. Cheating
2 Mr. Jones didn’t let them have lunch C The end-of-year examinations were
because they didn’t put up their tent. 1 he 2 mine 3 yours approaching but Marin did not do any
3 When the three boys looked around the 4 my 5 me 6 it revision for them. Every night she
lake, they saw some flat rocks near the edge 7 herself 8 my 9 themselves watched television or played computer
so they jumped on it but it was slippery and 10 yourself games. Her parents were very worried
they ended up in the water. that Maria was not working hard.
4 John thought his teachers are monsters D 'Shouldn’t you do some revision for
because they keep picking on him. 1 has lived 2 has not telephoned your exams?’ her mother asked.
5a gear 5b torture 3 left 4 received 'No, it’s all right, Mum. ‘replied
6a D 6b B 5 will return 6 is 7 used Maria. ‘The exams will be easy.’
8 Welcome 9 tell A few days before the examinations,
E 10 will meet Maria began to panic. She decided
1 an animator 2 a vet to cheat so she wrote some notes on
3 a reporter 4 an astronaut E a small piece of paper. She put the
5 a fashion designer 6 a lifeguard 1 of 2 on 3 against paper inside her pencil case. On the
4 on 5 of first day of the examination, Maria
F looked at the question paper. It was
1 C 2 D 3 C F so difficult that she could not answer
4 C 5 D 6 D 1 I will pass my Math exam. a single question. She slowly opened
7i information 7ii stories 2 I will walk my dog. her pencil case and took out the small
3 I will not be late for school. piece of paper. While she was reading
G 4 I will buy more. the notes, one of the teacher saw what
1 are>am 2 to be ^ > a 3 to > with 5 your mother will cut your hair. she was doing and approached her.
4 swims > swim 5 pollute> polluted He took the piece of paper and told
6 geting>getting 7 are > is G Maria to follow him out of the room.
8 was>were 9 went>go 1 It helps the wearers to look more A few minutes later, Maria was sitting
10 looked> look 11 pollute> polluting business-like and serious in their workplace. in the principal’s office. Maria felt so
12 rubbishes> rubbish 2 I should wear bright, strong colours. embarrassed. Of course, Maria had
3 Gold and silver give a feeling of luxury. to resit her examinations during the
H 4 Production increased when a factory school holidays. This time she worked
Suggested passage owner painted the walls in warm bright very hard and passed with good
The Easter holiday is coming. My school colours and the restroom walls in sharp grades. She promised her parents and
organized a charity show. Last Monday, green. teachers she would never cheat again.
my class teacher, Miss Li talked about the 5 Colour can affect our feelings. Colour
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