Page 7 - 英文呈分貼題王小6上_T1
P. 7


                 D.  Read the letter and answer the questions.

                                                                                      16th May, 2010

                 Dear Mum and Dad,
                 This school camp which I’ve been looking to for months is a disaster. I’m now cold,
                 wet, hungry and miserable. By the time the camp ends, I’ll probably be very sick or
                 even dead.

                 This place is such a long way from home and we seemed to have travelled all day to
                 get here. The bus trip started okay, but we weren’t allowed to eat on the bus. When we

                 finally stopped for the morning tea, Tom, Simon and I were starving. Ms. Weston found
                 the biscuits that we’d hidden in our pockets. She didn’t ask if we had eaten them on the
                 bus and just threw them into the bin. How unfair it was!

                 When we arrived, Mr. Jones said that we had to put up our tents before lunch. Tom,
                 Simon and I wandered off. We found some big nuts and threw them into the lake. It
                 was fun. Then we went back for lunch. However, Mr. Jones wouldn’t let us eat! We
                 were really mad, so we decided to leave and look around the lake. There were some flat
                 rocks near the edge. We ran and jumped on them, but they were slippery and we ended

                 up in the water.

                 On our way back it started to rain. All our gear was wet. Nobody had put it away in
                 their tents for us.  Then Mr. Jones made us put up our tent by ourselves, out in the
                 rain. The tent was all wet and hard to handle. Everyone stayed in the dry, warm and
                 comfortable hall playing fun games while we were outside, dripping wet, trying to sort
                 out the stupid tent. How ridiculous it was!

                 When we had finished setting up the tent and putting away our soggy, muddy gear,
                 Mr. Jones said we could have a shower. Just because we left the showers running and
                 flooded the place, he said we had to stay in our tent until morning. Then he said that if
                 we were very good, he might remember to bring us something to eat later. I think this
                 is called torture and it’s against the law, isn’t it?

                 So, Mum and Dad, I’m sitting in this cold, wet tent, hungry and miserable, writing in
                 the dark with only a small torch. It is all so crazy. I can’t understand why the monsters

                 keep picking on me please save me.

                8      尖子樂園英文呈分模擬試卷
                       第二次呈分試-試卷 1

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