Page 4 - 英文呈分貼題王小6上_T04答題紙
P. 4


            Good morning. Everyone, Ian Josh.I was to made something                 e.g.:     make

            from everyday unwanted materials at home because I decided to            ANS:(1)_________

            make robot. Let me show you how.                                         ANS:(2)_________

            First, I covered a box with aluminum foil. Then I do the same            ANS:(3)_________

            with the toilet rolls what I have collected in the past few weeks.       ANS:(4)_________

            After that I cut two of the bump frem egg carton also covered            ANS:(5)_________

            them in foil tomake the eyes of the robot. That was most difficult       ANS:(6)_________

            part because the bumps were hard to cut if you used a pair of sharp      ANS:(7)_________

            scissors. Then I sticked the eyes to one of the boxes using tape.        ANS:(8)_________

            There, the robot head was finish.                                        ANS:(9)_________

            Next, I used three toilet rolls to make each legs and each arm.          ANS:(10)_________

            I also attached the arms and legs to the robot's body which made         ANS:(11)_________

            from a tin biscuit box.From this project, I have learned that

            'rubbish' can be quite useful unless we are creative! It feels food      ANS:(12)_________

            knowing that I just helped the environment a little.


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