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the effects of going abroad on the development of openness and
neuroticism. Furthermore, recent research also corroborated the
effects of relationship qualities. Best friend support accounted for
increases in extraversion from age 17 to 23 years, whereas higher
levels of conflict with best friends were shown to predict
decreases in extraversion and self-esteem. Likewise, increases of
friendship conflict and higher levels of insecurity toward friends
predicted increases in neuroticism across young adulthood.
Again, a comparison of effects across different relationship
categories corroborated the predominance of effects for
friendships, that is, relationships that reflect self-selected
lifestyles and social contexts.
In sum, although earlier research raised doubts about
friendships influencing personality development, recent studies
evidenced such longitudinal transactions. The interplay of
personality traits and friendships provides a generic example of
a full transaction pattern (i.e., personality effects on relationships
and vice versa), which emphasizes the importance of friendships
in the person– environment interplay. However, the pattern of
results is complex, as effects are scattered across all trait domains.
Further research is needed to gain deeper insight into the specific
contingencies between different personality traits and various
relationship qualities. Furthermore, the processes that mediate
mutual influences of personality and relationship characteristics
as well as potential moderators of their interplay have yet to be