Page 43 - MMC MF10 - MAESTRO
P. 43


       STAY FIT...                                                     EAT HEALTHY FOOD...                                               MEDITATE / PRAY…

       Engage on sports and fitness                                    Ensure that you follow a balanced                                 Prayers have a very solemn

       activities. These will help you                                 diet on board. Unnecessary calories                               influence on our minds. It gives
       maintain a sound mind and body.                                 should be avoided. Those extra                                    us perspective and keeps the

       Get enough sleep. One of the best                               calories will not only make you unfit,                            mind at peace. Even a short

       things to regain energy and                                     but could be detrimental to your                                  prayer after waking up can be
       destress is to a good shut-eye                                  survival abilities during                                         a great way to kick start a

       moment. Do not deprive yourself of                              emergencies on board.                                             demanding work day.

       this free delightful treat.
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