Page 152 - The Story of My Lif
P. 152
What was the name of the little boy who fell in love with the beautiful star? Eva
has been telling me a story about a lovely little girl named Heidi. Will you please
send it to me? I shall be delighted to have a typewriter.
Little Arthur is growing very fast. He has on short dresses now.
Cousin Leila thinks he will walk in a little while. Then I will take his soft
chubby hand in mine, and go out in the bright sunshine with him. He will pull
the largest roses, and chase the gayest butterflies. I will take very good care of
him, and not let him fall and hurt himself. Father and some other gentlemen went
hunting yesterday. Father killed thirty-eight birds. We had some of them for
supper, and they were very nice. Last Monday Simpson shot a pretty crane. The
crane is a large and strong bird. His wings are as long as my arm, and his bill is
as long as my foot. He eats little fishes, and other small animals. Father says he
can fly nearly all day without stopping.
Mildred is the dearest and sweetest little maiden in the world.
She is very roguish, too. Sometimes, when mother does not know it, she goes out
into the vineyard, and gets her apron full of delicious grapes. I think she would
like to put her two soft arms around your neck and hug you.
Sunday I went to church. I love to go to church, because I like to see my friends.
A gentleman gave me a beautiful card. It was a picture of a mill, near a beautiful
brook. There was a boat floating on the water, and the fragrant lilies were
growing all around the boat. Not far from the mill there was an old house, with
many trees growing close to it. There were eight pigeons on the roof of the
house, and a great dog on the step. Pearl is a very proud motherdog now. She has
eight puppies, and she thinks there never were such fine puppies as hers.