Page 2 - TEST.Unstoppable Dads in Our Mundo
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It was 10:30 a.m. on a Thursday. I was jumping on a TEAMS
meeting for work, knowing that both of my daughters had Zoom
meetings scheduled at 11:00 a.m. with their teachers. Since I was
alone in the house with both of them, I had to channel my multitasking
skills at 10:45 a.m. to answer questions in my work meeting, while setting
up the girls’ devices, connecting their headphones and placing their school
materials on the dining room table (where I’m working), so I can keep an
eye on them and help them with any needs. Needless to say, looking for my
daughters’ meeting IDs & passwords in a WhatsApp chat, while participating
in my own TEAMS meeting is no easy task. After a few failed attempts to
enter the right Zoom meeting passwords for both girls, I was finally able to
get them in their virtual class.
To wrap my meeting with full attention, I made it a point to get into a zone
where I did not hear the chatter that my daughters had going on in their
meetings. Around five minutes into their meeting, Marisa (my youngest one)
apparently started asking me for help to spell a word. I say “apparently” because
I was so in my zone that I did not hear her asking me. I guess she asked a
couple of times because it was not until someone in my TEAMS meeting said
“please answer that child’s question,” that I realized it was my daughter.
So…in the end, I answered her question and we all laughed.
Superpower: Super Speed & Cloaking Ability
Rey Carrasquillo
Director, Control Room Operations
Dad to 8-year-old Katia & 5-year-old Marisa