Page 22 - UK Celebrity Cookbook 2022
P. 22


            BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH'S                                                          SERVES 2

              ZEPHANIAH STYLE

              VEGAN MA PO TOFU

            INGREDIENTS                             METHOD

            430g regular white tofu,                1.  Soak the tofu cubes in some salted water
            cut into 2 cm squares                       for about 10 minutes, then remove and

            A little salt                               drain them.

            1 tablespoon corn starch                2.  In a small bowl, mix the corn starch with
            1/2 cup water                               the water. Set aside.
            1 tablespoon oil                        3.  In a wok, heat up the oil. Add the garlic,

            2 cloves garlic, finely chopped             ginger and shallots and stir fry until you can
            5g ginger, finely chopped                   smell the aroma. Add the corn kernels and

            or grated                                   peas and stir for 3 minutes. Push all to one
            25g shallot or onion, cut into              side of the wok.
            small sections                          4.  Add Doubanjiang (or any spicy chilli bean

            80g corn kernels                            paste) and Sichuan peppercorn powder
            80g peas                                    to the wok and continue frying for 1 minute
                                                        over a slow fire.
            1 teaspoon Sichuan
            peppercorn powder                       5.  Slide the tofu cubes in, add the water
            1 tablespoon light soy sauce                and starch mixture, then add soy sauce.

            1 1/2 tablespoon Doubanjiang            6.  Turn up the fire and simmer for 3 minutes.
            (or any spicy chilli bean paste)            Toss your wok from time to time, but be
                                                        gentle and try not break the tofu cubes.

                                                    7.  Add a pinch of salt if you like salty, mix well
                                                        and serve hot.

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