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tahun 2003. Beliau pernah memegang beberapa
               jawatan  penting  termasuk  Ketua  Jabatan  Zoologi,   2003. Over the years, he has held key leadership
               Timbalan Dekan Fakulti Sains, dan Timbalan Ketua   roles, including Head of the Department of Zoology,
               Unit Perundingan Universiti Malaya. Dari tahun   Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science, and Deputy
               2009  hingga  2014,  beliau  diberi  kepercayaan   Head of the Universiti Malaya Consulting Unit.
               untuk memimpin Fakulti Sains sebagai Dekan, di   From 2009 to 2014, he served as Dean of the
               mana fakulti tersebut mencapai kemajuan pesat   Faculty of Science, a period marked by significant
               dalam bidang penyelidikan, dengan peningkatan   growth in research output, increased funding, and
               peruntukan, penerbitan, dan pencapaian paten yang   numerous publications and patents that elevated
               ketara.                                     the faculty’s reputation.
                   Pada tahun 1990-an hingga 2000-an, Dato’    In  the  1990s  and  2000s,  Dr.  Sofian  was
               Dr.  Mohd  Sofian  mengetuai  Pusat  Penyelidikan   tasked with leading the Zoological and Ecological
               Zoological dan Ecological Research Network (ZEN).   Research Network (ZEN), where he spearheaded
               Dalam tempoh ini, beliau memimpin pelbagai   extensive research in pest management, vector
               penyelidikan dalam bidang serangga perosak,   insects,  and  forensic  entomology.  These  efforts
               serangga vektor, dan entomologi forensik, dengan   included  collaborations  with prominent  research
               kerjasama institusi penyelidikan tempatan dan   institutions across Japan, Indonesia, Thailand,
               antarabangsa. Beliau juga menjalinkan kerjasama   and Vietnam. His research significantly advanced
               penyelidikan dengan universiti-universiti di Jepun,   the study of black flies as vectors for human and
               Indonesia, Thailand, dan Vietnam. Fokus kajian beliau   animal parasites, leading to the discovery and
               terhadap lalat hitam sebagai vektor endoparasit   naming of over 80 new species, including Simulium
               manusia dan haiwan telah membawa kepada     jasmoni,  Simulium  aziruni,  and  Simulium  sofiani.
               penemuan lebih 80 spesies baharu, antaranya   Dr. Sofian’s scholarly impact is widely recognized,
               Simulium  jasmoni,  Simulium  aziruni, dan  Simulium   with his research achievements cited 6,345 times
               sofiani. Penemuan ini menyediakan asas kukuh bagi   on Google Scholar, boasting an H-index of 44. Web
               penyelidikan lanjut di masa hadapan. Sepanjang lebih   of Science (WoS)  records  173 publications,  2,523
               sedekad, beliau telah berjaya membimbing lebih 40   citations, and an H-index of 26. Additionally, he
               pelajar di peringkat Sarjana dan PhD. Menurut Google   has supervised  over 40 MSc and PhD students,
               Scholar, pencapaian penyelidikannya meliputi 6,345   contributing to the development of the next
               sitasi dan H-index 44, manakala di Web of Science   generation of researchers.
               (WoS), beliau mencatatkan 173 penerbitan, 2,523   Dr.  Sofian’s  expertise  has  also  been  sought
               sitasi, dan H-index 26.                     in numerous consulting projects for state
                   Di samping komitmennya terhadap bidang   governments, including biodiversity studies in the
               akademik,  Dato’  Dr.  Mohd  Sofian  juga  aktif  dalam   Kenaboi River basin, Negeri Sembilan; the Selai
               menjalankan projek perundingan dengan kerajaan   River basin, Johor; Carey Island, Selangor; and the
               negeri. Beliau terlibat dalam kajian biodiversiti   wetland areas of the Federal Territory of Putrajaya.
               haiwan dan tumbuhan di kawasan seperti lembangan   His work in these regions has helped inform
               Sungai Kenaboi, Negeri Sembilan; lembangan Sungai   conservation efforts and sustainable management
               Selai, Johor; Pulau Carey, Selangor; dan kawasan   of natural resources.
               tanah lembap di Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya.   Throughout his tenure at Universiti Malaya,
               Kajian-kajian ini memberikan impak besar terhadap   Dr.  Sofian  has  served  on  various  important
               pemeliharaan biodiversiti dan pengurusan sumber   committees, including the Board of UM Plantation
               semula jadi secara mampan.                  Sdn.  Bhd.,  the  Promotion  Screening  Committee
                   Beliau  turut memainkan  peranan  dalam   for Associate Professors and Professors, and as
               jawatankuasa  penting  universiti,  termasuk  Chairman of the University Malaya Committee
               sebagai Ahli Lembaga Pengarah UM Plantation   for Direct Negotiations B. He was also a member
               Sdn. Bhd., Ahli Jawatankuasa Penapisan Kenaikan   of the Selection Committee for the Majlis
               Pangkat Profesor Madya dan Profesor, Pengerusi   Perwakilan Pelajar Universiti Malaya (MPPUM)
               Jawatankuasa Rundingan Terus B Universiti Malaya,   for the 2012/2013 session. In recognition of his
               serta Ahli Jawatankuasa Induk Pemilihan Majlis   service and contributions, he has received several
               Perwakilan Pelajar Universiti Malaya (MPPUM)
               bagi sesi 2012/2013. Atas jasa dan sumbangan
               cemerlangnya, beliau telah dianugerahkan Pingat

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