Page 145 - Buku Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 64 EBOOK
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dalam membahagikan masanya dan mengimbangi   involvements, had borne fruit when she received
               antara pelajaran dengan setiap penglibatannya   the Dean’s Award for six (6) semesters throughout
               membuahkan   hasil  apabila  beliau  berjaya  her studies. During this time, she made the most of
               menerima  Anugerah  Dekan  selama  enam  (6)   the opportunity by participating in various projects
               semester. Bukan itu sahaja,  bakat kepimpinannya   and  activities  at  various  levels,  taking  on  diverse
               juga terserlah, apabila beliau diberi kepercayaan   responsibilities. Her leadership skills, which had
               menyandang beberapa jawatan utama dalam     been evident since her primary school years, were
               organisasi-organisasi yang berkredibiliti tinggi.   recognized as she was entrusted with several key
               Beliau merupakan Bendahari Kehormat bagi    roles in reputable organizations. She served as
               Persatuan Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak Universiti   the Treasurer for the Early Childhood Education
               Malaya (PPAKKUM) bagi sesi akademik 2021/2022,   Association of Universiti Malaya (PPAKKUM) for
               Bendahari bagi Jawatankuasa Tindakan Kolej (JTK)   the 2021/2022 academic session, Treasurer for
               dan Pemudahcara Mahasiswa bagi Kolej Kediaman   the College Action Committee (JTK) and Student
               Tuanku  Kurshiah  (KK3),  serta  Ketua  Tempat   Facilitator for Tuanku Kurshiah Residential College
               Mengundi bagi KK3 di bawah Jawatankuasa Pilihan   (KK3), and Head of the Voting Centre under the
               Raya Kolej Kediaman Universiti Malaya (JPRKKUM).   Universiti Malaya Residential  College Election
               Antara pencapaian pentingnya di peringkat fakulti   Committee  (JPRKKUM)  for KK3.  Her  involvement
               dan  universiti termasuk  penyertaannya  dalam   extended to the faculty and university levels, with
               program  Axiata  Digital  Leaders  Programme  for   notable achievements such as participating in the
               Girls (ADLP 2022), apabila beliau berjaya menjadi   Axiata Digital Leaders Programme for Girls (ADLP
               pemenang  utama dalam  pertandingan  akhir   2022), where she emerged as the overall winner in
               program tersebut. Beliau juga menerima Anugerah   the program’s final competition. She also received
               20 Peserta Terbaik, bersaing dengan pelajar-pelajar   the Top 20 Performers Award, competing with IT
               dari bidang teknologi maklumat dari lima universiti   students  from  five  leading  public  universities  in
               awam terkemuka di negara ini. Selain itu, beliau   the  country.  Additionally,  she  participated  in  The
               turut mengambil bahagian dalam  The International   International Competition of Research, Idea, and
               Competition of Research, Idea, and Innovation on   Innovation on Teaching and Learning 2022 (IC-
               Teaching and Learning 2022 (IC-RIITEL 2022) dan   RIITEL 2022) and won a Platinum Award with her
               telah memenangi Anugerah Platinum bersama   team.
                                                              However, Adiba believes that her achievements
                   Walau bagaimanapun, Adiba percaya bahawa   so far are not solely the result of her own efforts.
               pencapaiannya bukanlah hasil usahanya semata-  She attributes her success to the encouragement,
               mata, tetapi juga atas berkat dan sokongan daripada   guidance, and support from both her parents,
               kedua ibu bapanya, barisan pensyarah di Fakulti   esteemed  lecturers  at  the  Faculty  of  Education
               Pendidikan serta kerjasama yang diberikan oleh   and the cooperation provided by friends throughout
               rakan taulan sepanjang tempoh pengajian beliau.   her studies. Due to her hard work as well as her
               Berkat usaha keras dan kecemerlangannya di   overall excellence at Universiti Malaya, Adiba binti
               Universiti Malaya, beliau dianugerahkan Hadiah   Azizan has been honored with the Universiti Malaya
               Alumni  Universiti  Malaya  (Singapore)  (HAUM)  bagi   Alumni’s  Prize  (Singapore)  (HAUM)  Award  for  the
               tahun 2024.                                  year 2024.

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