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beliau,  Unit  Kardiologi  berkembang  dan  menjadi
               unit yang aktif dalam penyelidikan di mana beliau   in research in which he served as the Primary
               telah  berperanan  sebagai  Primary Investigator   Investigator involving more than 70 clinical trials.
               yang melibatkan lebih 70 kajian klinikal . Sebagai   In recognition of his contributions, he received the
               bukti,  pada  tahun  2022  beliau  telah  menerima   award for The Highest Number of Clinical Trials
               penghargaan  sebagai  The Highest Number of   Procured from PPUM in 2022.
               Clinical Trials Procured daripada PPUM.         His  most  significant  contribution  was  the
                   Sumbangan  beliau  yang  paling  signifikan   introduction of the concept of a worship-friendly
               adalah  apabila  beliau  memperkenalkan  konsep   hospital at PPUM, which continues to this day.
               hospital  mesra  ibadah  di  PPUM  yang  masih   Dr. Wan Azman has also contributed to the
               diteruskan  sehingga  kini.  Dr.  Wan  Azman  juga   development of more than 20 clinical practice
               telah  terlibat  dalam  membangunkan  lebih  20   guidelines  and  has  been  a  member  of  more
               clinical practice guidelines  serta  menganggotai   than 100 committees/advisory bodies of various
               lebih daripada 100 jawatankuasa/badan penasihat   fields  at  the  University  and  national  levels.  His
               pelbagai bidang atau kategori di peringkat Universiti   contributions to the community, especially in
               dan  negara.  Sumbangan  beliau  dalam  komuniti   the development of the ummah, are undeniable,
               khususnya dalam pembangunan ummah juga tidak   as he also serves as an advisor to the Qasimul
               disangkal di mana beliau juga berperanan sebagai   Ulum Education Foundation. In recognition of his
               penasihat  kepada  Qasimul  Ulum  Education   contributions, he received the Special Maal Hijrah
               Foundation.  Sebagai  menghargai  sumbangan   Award Wilayah Persekutuanin for 2018. He also
               beliau, pada tahun 2018 beliau menerima Anugerah   helped manage a fund of RM7 million from the Sime
               Khas Maal Hijrah peringkat Wilayah Persekutuan.   Darby Fund which has successfully benefited more
               Beliau  juga  merupakan  antara  individu  yang   than 1000 coronary angioplasty patients at PPUM.
               menguruskan  sumbangan  dana  berjumlah  RM7    Due to his expertise in cardiology, his guidance
               juta  daripada  Sime Darby Fund  yang  berjaya   and advice are still sought after, as he continues to
               memberi manfaat kepada lebih 1000 orang pesakit   be  appointed  to various  committees  and  panels,
               coronary angioplasty di PPUM.               either as chairman or member. His contributions to
                   Berdasarkan kepakaran beliau dalam bidang   the Faculty and University continue to be ongoing
               kardiologi, khidmat nasihat dan bimbingan beliau   even after leaving the compulsory service as a
               masih  diperlukan  sehingga  kini  apabila  beliau   Professor in 2016, through his role as an Honorary
               sering dilantik menganggotai Jawatankuasa dan   Professor  until  today,  especially  in  providing
               Panel  sama  ada  sebagai  Pengerusi  mahupun   guidance to young lecturers and medical students.
               ahli.  Sumbangan  beliau  kepada  Fakulti  dan   In terms of research, Dr. Wan Azman has
               Universiti  terus  berpanjangan  walaupun  telah   more  than  100  scientific  papers,  253  abstracts
               meninggalkan  perkhidmatan  wajib  sebagai   and proceedings, 33 book chapters and 34
               Profesor  pada  tahun  2016,  melalui  peranan   books/guidelines/reports. He has also been
               sebagai Profesor Kehormat sehingga ke hari ini   frequently invited as a faculty  member in more
               khususnya  dalam  memberi  bimbingan  kepada   than 233 conferences at the national level and 105
               pensyarah muda dan pelajar perubatan.       conferences at the international level.
                   Dari  aspek  penyelidikan  pula,  Dr.  Wan   He has also received numerous international
               Azman  mempunyai  lebih  daripada  100  kertas   fellowships,  including  Fellow  of  the  European
               kerja saintifik, 253 abstrak dan prosiding, 33 bab   Society of Cardiology (FESC), Fellow of the American
               buku dan 34 buku/garis panduan/laporan. Beliau   College of Cardiology (FACC), Fellow of the Royal
               juga  sering  menerima  jemputan  sebagai  ahli   College of Physician Glasgow (FRCP), Fellow of the
               fakulti dalam lebih 233 Persidangan di peringkat   Asian Pacific Society of Interventional Cardiology
               kebangsaan dan 105 di peringkat antarabangsa.  (FAPSIC), Fellow of the Society of Cardiovascular
                   Pelbagai  anugerah  diterima  di  peringkat   Angiography and Intervention USA (FSCAI), and
               antarabangsa sebagai Fellowship termasuk Fellow   Fellow at the Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology.
               of  the  European  Society  of  Cardiology  (FESC),
               Fellowship of the American College of Cardiology
               (FACC), Fellow of The Royal College of Physician
               Glasgow (FRCP), Fellow of Asian Pacific Society
               of  Interventional  Cardiology  (FAPSIC),  Fellow

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