Page 12 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
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29. Manzoore Elahi M Soudagar (India)
Tajuk Tesis : The Effect of Nanoadditives Dispersed in Diesel biodiesel Fuel Blend on Engine
Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics
Penyelia : : Professor Dr. Md. Abul Kalam / Associate Profesor Ir. Dr. Nik Nazri Nik Ghazali
30. Mardziah binti Che Murad
Tajuk Tesis : : Properties of Zinc Doped Hydroxyapatite Bioceramic Developed by Using Calcium
Precursor Derived from Biogenic Waste
Penyelia : : Professor Ir. Dr. Ramesh Singh a/l Kuldip Singh / Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Tan Chou Yong
31. Mohamad Azri bin Sukiran
Tajuk Tesis : Torrefaction of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Biomass
Penyelia : Professor Ir. Dr. Wan Mohd Ashi bin Wan Daud / Associate Professor Dr. Faisal Abnisa
32. Mohamed Kamaleldin Gaffar Abbas (Sudan)
Tajuk Tesis : Effect of Sintering Additives on The Densification and Mechanical Properties of Alumina
Toughened Zirconia Ceramic Composite
Penyelia : Profesosr Ir. Dr. Ramesh Singh a/l Kuldip Singh / Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Tan Chou Yong
33. Mohd Aamir Adeeb bin Abdul Rahim
Tajuk Tesis : Development of A Knowledge based Model for Material Selection
Penyelia : : Professor Ir. Dr. Ramesh Singh a/l Kuldip Singh / Dr. Siti Nurmaya binti Musa /
Professor Dr. Ming K. Lim
34. Muhammad Farid bin Mohd Rusdi
Tajuk Tesis : Pulse Generation in 1.55 and 2.0 Micron Regions Using Passive Saturable Absorbers of
Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3), Nickel Oxide (Nio) and Spent Coffee Ground (SCG) Materials
Penyelia : Professor Ir. Dr. Sulaiman Wadi Harun
35. Muhammad Mujtaba Abbas (Pakistan)
Tajuk Tesis : Comparative Study of Nanoparticles and Alcoholic Fuel Additives with Optimized
Synthesis of Palm sesame Biodiesel Using Tribolog ical and Internal Combustion Engine Testing
Penyelia : : Professor Emeritus Ir. Dr. Masjuki Haji Hassan / Professor Dr. Md. Abul Kalam
36. Mustafa Mohammed Najm (Iraq)
Tajuk Tesis : : Generation of Q switched and Soliton Mode locked Pulses with 8 hydroxyquinolino
Cadmium Chloride Hydrate and Chromium Aluminum Carbide Saturable Absorber
Penyelia : : Professor Ir. Dr. Sulaiman Wadi Harun / Professor Ir. Dr. Hamzah bin Arof
37. Navin a/l Ramasamy
Tajuk Tesis : Analysis of Yttria-Stabilised Zirconia and Aluminium Silicate Coated Piston Crown on The
Engine Performance with Palm Biodiesel
Penyelia : Professor Md. Abul Kalam / Dr. Mahendra Varman a/l Munusamy
38. Norfazila binti Mohd Sultan
Tajuk Tesis : Elevated Temperature Deformation of Boronised Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) and Its
Applications Potential
Penyelia : Dr. Iswadi bin Jauhari / Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Mohd Faizul bin Mohd Sabri
39. Nur Afiqah binti Hamzah
Tajuk Tesis : Performance Evaluation of The Biosculptor ® System As A Cad/Cam Tool for Transtibial
Residual Limb Shape Monitoring and Generation of Socket Interface Roughness
Penyelia : : Ir. Dr. Nasrul Anuar bin Abd Razak / Ir. Dr. Mohd Sayuti bin Ab Karim
40. Nur Afiqah binti Hashim
Tajuk Tesis : Development and Evaluation of A Virtual Reality System for The Rehabilitation of The
Hand and Upper Extremity
Penyelia : : Professor Ir. Dr. Noor Azuan bin Abu Osman / Ir. Dr. Nasrul Anuar bin Abd Razakn
41. Nur Diyana Aqilah binti Kamarudin
Tajuk Tesis : Thermal Treatment Approach in Immobilizing Silver Nanoparticles into Polyvinylidene
Fluoride Membranes for Biofouling Mitigation during Water Treatment
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Nur Awanis binti Hashim /
Associate Professor Dr. Oi Boon Hong @ Ong Boon Hoong