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Akademi Pengajian Islam
                                    Academy of Islamic Studies

         Doktor Falsafah
         Doctor of Philosophy

        Dengan Cemerlang
        With Distinction
        1.   Louai Almamar    (Syria)
               Tajuk Tesis : Cryptocurrencies and Mitigating Their Risks: A Study on Bitcoin from Fiqh and Islamic
               Economic Perspectives
               Penyelia : Associate Professor Datuk Dr. Luqman bin Haji Abdullah / Dr. Nor Fahimah binti Mohd Razif

        2.   Abdulaziz A J S Alnashemi    (Kuwait)
               Tajuk Tesis : Fundamental Disagreement between al-Basari and al-Razi and its Jurisprudential
               implication: An Analytical study
               Penyelia : Dr. Ameen Ahmed Abdullah Qasem Al-Nahari / Dr. Ridzwan bin Ahmad
        3.   Abdulla Faroog Ibrahim    (Maldives)
               Tajuk Tesis : Waqf in Maldives Its Reality and Prospects: Fiqhi Analytical Study
               Penyelia : Dr. Muhammad Ikhlas bin Rosele / Dr. Luqman bin Haji Abdullah
        4.   Abdulrahman Qaid Ali Al-Odaini    (Yemen)
               Tajuk Tesis : The Methodology of Thematic Exegesis between al-Biqa’i and Darraz: A Comparative
               Study on Chapter of al-Baqarah as a Case Study
               Penyelia : Professor Dato’ Dr. Mohd Yakub @ Zulkifli bin Mohd Yusoff / Dr. Ali Ali Gobaili Saged
        5.   Adeb Abdo Abdo Al-Wesabi    (Yemen)
               Tajuk Tesis : Al-Rabbaniyyah in the Light of Holy al-Qu’ran and Preacher’s Perception of Ministry of
               Al-Awqaf and Al-Irshad, Yemen Towards Its Implication to Da’wah Ila Allah
               Penyelia : Dr. Fakhrul Adabi bin Abdul Kadir
        6.   Ahmad M S H H Alhajri    (Kuwait)
               Tajuk Tesis : The Gulf Crisis and Its Impact on the Future of the Gulf Cooperation Council from Siasah
               Syar’iyyah Perspective: Empirical and Analytical Study
               Penyelia : Dr. Amer Abdulwahab Mahyoub Murshed / Dr. Bharuddin bin Che Pa
        7.   Ala’ Mohammad Abed Halawa    (Palestine)
               Tajuk Tesis : The Concept of al-Maslahah and its Application According to al-Buti and al-Raysuni:
               A Comparative Study
               Penyelia : Dr. Ridzwan bin Ahmad
        8.   Ali Abdulraheem Ali Abdulsadiq Ba Wazir    (Yemen)
               Tajuk Tesis : The Position of Western Sociology¿s theories with regards to Religion and Ethic: An
               Analytical Analysis of Selected Universities in Eden, Yemen from Islamic Perspective
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Mohd Fauzi bin Hamat / Dr. Ali Ali Gobaili Saged
        9.   Ali M S M Sh Almutairi    (Kuwait)
               Tajuk Tesis : The Impact of Electronic Accounting Information Systems on Improving Credit Risks
               Measurement in Selected Islamic Banks in Kuwait
               Penyelia : Dr. Asmuliadi Lubis / Dr. Mohd Abd Wahab Fatoni bin Mohd Balwi

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