Page 159 - MOADIM
P. 159

The haftarah describing the war of Gog and Magog is read on Sukkot.
                   The navi describes the War of Gog and Magog. The gematria of
                   (Magog) is fifty-two, a reference to the states of America.

                   We all await the arrival of Mashiach, not because we desire financial
                   security, but due to the intense spiritual bounty that will be available then.
                   This is our true pleasure.

                   The Chafetz Chaim reminds us that in the World to Come, one will be
                   left with only Torah and mitzvot. None of his materialistic gains will
                   remain with him.

                   “And Moshe went.” Moshe wished to teach Am Yisrael the following, “I
                   am leaving this world. I will no longer be able to observe the Torah and
                   mitzvot. However, you, who still live, should utilize your time here to live
                   a life of Torah and mitzvot.”
                   Sukkot is called “the Shadow of Faith.” As one spends time in the sukkah,
                   he absorbs faith and fear of Heaven from the atmosphere of the sukkah
                   and the Ushpizin who visit us there.

                   At the Simchat Beit Hasho’evah during Sukkot, water was poured on the
                   Altar. During Creation, when Hashem separated the upper and lower
                   waters, the lower waters were inconsolable. Hashem promised that on
                   Sukkot, they would be poured over the Altar. Nowadays, when we no
                   longer possess the Beit Hamikdash, we substitute Torah study for the
                   libation, since Torah is compared to water.

                   The Four Species hint to the heart, spine, mouth, and eyes. We take these
                   species specifically on Sukkot, as they remind us to guard all parts of the
                   body from sin, as we resolved to do on the Yamim Noraim.

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