Page 166 - MOADIM
P. 166
The Gemara debates whether or not Menashe has a share in the World to
Come. Rav Ashi called him, “Our friend.” Menashe came to him in a
dream and demanded to know why he felt they were on the same level.
He tested him with a question regarding where one slices the bread after
reciting the blessing. Menashe teaches that the bread should be cut at the
end, where it is baked the best, and not in the middle. What was he
alluding to?
The Sages wished to banish Shlomo Hamelech from Gan Eden. After
David’s pleading and Hashem’s affirmation of his claim, they desisted.
If Shemini Atzeret is a festival unto itself, as the Gemara says, why is it
called by this name, which implies that it is the eighth day of Sukkot?
Shlomo Hamelech taught us to make a celebratory feast when completing
a tractate of the Gemara. Shlomo made a feast to celebrate his initiation
as a “man of wisdom.” How do we learn from this to celebrate the
culmination of one’s study rather than the beginning? The Kotzker Rebbi
says that in matters of spirituality, one never stops. He always begins # 26347-EYAL-6