Page 272 - MOADIM
P. 272

                                                                                               moadey heshana

                                                                                                                  Megillat Esther literally means “a revelation of the concealed.” Even when                                                                                                                    #                                                               26347-EYAL-6
                                                                                                                  Hashem seems hidden, He is there, behind the scenes. Darkness is only
                                                                                                                  temporary. One must fortify himself with faith to believe that eventually,
                                                                                                                  he will perceive the light and bask in joy.
                                                                                                                  One man’s double rescue from disaster drives home the point that Hashem
                                                                                                                  alone determines man’s fate.

                                                                                                                  Haman believed he could manipulate our fate according to lots. But Am
                                                                                                                  Yisrael is a nation above the constellations. Hashem decides what will
                                                                                                                  happen to us.

                   Megillat Esther was shown to Moshe on High because it describes
                   Hashem’s behavior toward Am Yisrael. Since they abandoned Him in
                   those days, Haman was able to enact his harsh decree, which brought
                   about a wave of teshuvah.
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