Page 305 - MOADIM
P. 305

Moreover, why is Pesach named after Hashem’s “passing over” the Jewish  moadey heshana  10                                                                                                                      #                                                               26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Moadim-EYAL | 10 - A | 18-08-19 | 13:51:57 | SR:-- | Black   26347-EYAL-6BOOKS -
 houses, when He could have saved Bnei Yisrael from on High?

 Chametz represents desire. This is why it must be categorically eliminated
 from our property. Abstaining from chametz throughout Pesach
 demonstrates our ability to limit our physical desires during the entire

 “Passing over” denotes exertion. By “passing over” the Jewish homes,
 Hashem wished to teach us that man was born to toil. It is his choice to
 decide in which area he will toil. Will it be in Torah or in indulging his

 Torah and mitzvot will escort a person after his time in this world. One
 should expend every effort in these areas. What is the point of increasing
 material wealth when it will not remain with him?

 “Israel saw the great hand that Hashem
 inflicted upon Egypt, and the people revered
 Hashem, and they had faith in Hashem and in

 Moshe, His servant”
 (Shemot 14:31)
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