Page 405 - MOADIM
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his home of undesirable furniture in order to make room for the king’s 13 moadey heshana
Rabbi Yisrael Salanter states that correcting one negative attribute makes
it easier to correct all others. Each day of Sefirat Ha’Omer is designated
for uprooting another negative characteristic.
The Torah states that Hashem spoke to Moshe in the Sinai Desert, in the
Tent of Meeting. This contains a message for all generations: Torah is the
purpose of our life. When we subscribe to a life of Torah, we need not
worry about our daily sustenance. Bnei Yisrael were sustained for forty
years in the wilderness and Rashbi was supported for thirteen years in the
cave. This was in merit of his love of Hashem and His Torah.
A Moroccan Jew dreamed of burial in Eretz Yisrael. By a twist of
(Divinely-ordained) fate, his dream came true. Whoever dreams of
closeness to Hashem will see the actualization of his desires.
The fact that one recites the same form of Kaddish at a siyum and at a
grave teaches us that the only thing one takes along with him to the Next
World is his Torah study.
The Chafetz Chaim taught us the value of every moment.
“Go to the people and make them ready today
and tomorrow… Let them be prepared for the
third day”
(Shemot 19:10-11)