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故障排除                                                        Y-MK1-853

            Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF                        #           故障                 可能的原因                 解决措施
               communications equipment and the not life support equipment                                                                      按照 《用户手册》中章节
        The Product is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated                                                     6.5 所述进行线缆连接测试。
        RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the Product can help                                      连接钩未妥当连接至         将连接钩置于塑料手柄下挫
        prevent electromagnet interference by maintaining a minimum distance between                                          挫针。               针的金属部分。
        portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the Product as                                     根管闭塞。             对照 X 线图像,查找线索。
        recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications
        equipment.                                                                                                            如果是再次治疗:旧         使用前先清除旧的填充材料
                          Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter                                           能堵塞根管。            残留物。
                                                  m                                                   电子信号传输受干扰。设备
         Rated maximum                                                                             6  不显示挫针在根管内的前             根管可能被药物残留         使用前彻底清除残留物。
         output power of     150 kHz to        80 MHz to        800 MHz to                            进。                      堵塞 ( 如氢氧化钙 )。
          transmitter W       80 MHz           800 MHz           2.5 GHz                                                                        使用 NaCl 溶液冲洗根管。
                            d =  0.35 ×  P   d =  0.35 ×  P    d =  0.7 ×  P                                                  根管极其干燥。           用棉球 / 吹风机使开髓口干
        0.01              0.04             0.04              0.07                                                                               如果没有腔壁接触,则可使
        0.1               0.11             0.11              0.22                                                             牙根较大,而所选锉         用较大的 ISO 尺寸挫针。
                                                                                                                              针过小。              切记:挫针精准安放,才能
        1                 0.35             0.35              0.7
        10                1.1              1.1               2.2                                                              电子失灵。             联系您的供销商。
        100               3.5              3.5               7
        For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended
        separation distance d in metres (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to
        the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the
        transmitter in watts (W) according to the higher frequency range applies.
                          At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance fort the
                          higher frequency range applies.
                          These guidelines may not apply in all situations.
                          Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption
                          and reflection from structures, objects and people.

       220/222                #        B ML PXEM DFU PRT / Rev.11 / 02-2018 (Old ZF 1902118.X)  25268-EYAL - 25268_pnim_eyal | 7 - B | 18-05-15 | 13:58:39 | SR:-- | Magenta   25268-EYAL - 25268_pnim_eyal | 7 - B | 18-05-15 | 13:58:39 | SR:-- | Yellow   25268-EYAL - 25268_pnim_eyal | 7 - B | 18-05-15 | 13:58:39 | SR:-- | Cyan   #25
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