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24252-EYAL - 24252-EYAL.1 | 1 - B | 18-02-11 | 11:11:25 | SR:-- | Cyan
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  24252-EYAL - 24252-EYAL.1 | 1 - B | 18-02-11 | 11:11:25 | SR:-- | Yellow
  24252-EYAL - 24252-EYAL.1 | 1 - B | 18-02-11 | 11:11:25 | SR:-- | Magenta
 Floorstanding WC combination,
                                                         Wall-hung WC, washdown (180 mm
             82095.6, 82096.4, 82096.5, 82096.6,
             82295.2, 82595.2
                                                         distance between mounting holes)
 washdown, Vario, back-to-wall  Floorstanding WC combination  WC seats and covers for WC  82095.0
 Floorstanding WC, washdown,
 82595.2.231  Vario outlet, back-to-wall  89695.0        82095.5
 Floorstanding WC combination,   WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,   Wall-hung WC, washdown (230 mm                                                                                                                          FLORA KIDS
 washdown, Vario, back-to-wall, with   82866.x  removable  distance between mounting holes)
 lateral hole for water connection  Floorstanding cistern, Dual Flush
 82595.2  Floorstanding WC combination  WC seats and covers for WC        82095.0
             WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,
 Floorstanding WC combination,   removable, with lowering system          Wall-hung WC, washdown (180 mm
                               82095.6, 82096.4, 82096.5, 82096.6,
                                         894966 :רצומ דוק   ילוארדיה SLIM בשומ
                                                                                   ינוציח רוביח היולת הלסא
 washdown, Vario, back-to-wall
 LAUFEN pro  82295.2  89896.5  82295.2, 82595.2                           distance between mounting holes)                                                                                           florakids
                                              894965 :רצומ דוק   ליגר SLIM בשומ
 Floorstanding WC, washdown,
                                                                                           PRO RIMLESS
 82595.2.231  Vario outlet, back-to-wall  WC seat and cover Slim, removable  82095.5            820964 :רצומ דוק                      florakids
 Floorstanding WC combination,   WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,            Wall-hung WC, washdown (230 mm                                                                                               81503.1                     /     82003.1                              82203.6.027                         82203.7.027
              WC seats and covers for WC
 Floorstanding WC combination
 82595.2  washdown, Vario, back-to-wall, with   82866.x  89896.6  removable  82095.0  560  distance between mounting holes)                                                                            Small washbasins                    Wall-hung WC, washdown               Floorstanding WC, wash-out,         Floorstanding WC, wash-out,
 lateral hole for water connection
 Floorstanding WC combination,   Floorstanding cistern, Dual Flush  Wall-hung WC, washdown (180 mm                                      81503.1                        /      82003.1                                  82203.6.027                              82203.7.027   horizontal outlet                   vertical outlet
              82095.6, 82096.4, 82096.5, 82096.6,
             WC seat and cover Slim, removable,
 washdown, Vario, back-to-wall  82295.2  with lowering system  distance between mounting holes)                                         Small washbasins                        Wall-hung WC, washdown                   Floorstanding WC, wash-out,              Floorstanding WC, wash-out,
              82295.2, 82595.2
 82595.2 Floorstanding WC, washdown,    Floorstanding WC combination  WC seats and covers for WC  82095.0                                                                                                                horizontal outlet                        vertical outlet
                               WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,
 Floorstanding WC combination,                   82095.6, 82096.4, 82096.5, 82096.6,        Wall-hung WC, washdown (180 mm                                                       florakids
 82595.2.231  Vario outlet, back-to-wall  89395.5  removable, with lowering system
              WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,
                                                         Wall-hung WC, washdown (230 mm
 Floorstanding WC combination,   washdown, Vario, back-to-wall  82295.2 WC seat and cover Universal  82295.2, 82595.2  distance between mounting holes)
 washdown, Vario, back-to-wall, with   82866.x  670  Floorstanding WC, washdown,    distance between mounting holes)                                                                                                150  210
 Floorstanding cistern, Dual Flush
 lateral hole for water connection  82595.2.231  Vario outlet, back-to-wall  WC seat and cover Slim, removable  82095.5                                  florakids                81503.1                     /      82003.1                            520  82203.6.027                     82203.7.027
 Floorstanding WC combination,   89695.1         WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,              Wall-hung WC, washdown (230 mm                                                        Small washbasins                     Wall-hung WC, washdown              Floorstanding WC, wash-out,         Floorstanding WC, wash-out,        385
 360  82595.2  washdown, Vario, back-to-wall, with   82866.x WC seat and cover Universal,    removable  82095.0  560  distance between mounting holes)  150  210                                            450      FLORA KIDS רויכ                       horizontal outlet                   vertical outlet
 Floorstanding WC combination
                               WC seats and covers for WC
              WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,
             removable, with lowering system
                               82095.6, 82096.4, 82096.5, 82096.6,
 Floorstanding WC combination,   360  Floorstanding cistern, Dual Flush  100  Wall-hung WC, washdown (180 mm                                               81503.1                        /    520  82003.1               815031 :רצומ דוק  82203.6.027                            82203.7.027                            295
 lateral hole for water connection
              removable, with lowering system
                               WC seat and cover Slim, removable,
 washdown, Vario, back-to-wall  82295.2  82295.2, 82595.2 89695.1          distance between mounting holes)                                                                                                             םולשתב עבצ תפסות *
                                                894964 :רצומ דוק   ילוארדיה SLIM בשומ
 400                           with lowering system                         225          תדחוימ היולת הלסא                                                 Small washbasins                        Wall-hung WC, washdown                   Floorstanding WC, wash-out,           385  Floorstanding WC, wash-out,

 Floorstanding WC, washdown,                     WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,    360                                                        450                                                                                            horizontal outlet                        vertical outlet
                                                     894960 :רצומ דוק   ליגר SLIM בשומ
 375     55   89896.5                                                                           PRO מ״ס 24                                                                                                          45
 82595.2.231  Vario outlet, back-to-wall  WC seat and cover Slim, removable removable, with lowering system                                                                              310                          150                          180
                                                                                                 820955 :רצומ דוק
                               WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,
 Floorstanding WC combination,   140  WC seat and cover Universal          Wall-hung WC, washdown (230 mm                                                                                      150  210  410                        295                   100             295
 washdown, Vario, back-to-wall, with   82866.x  670  89896.6  removable  89896.5  560  distance between mounting holes)                      180                             florakids                   80           400  600       520                     135
 835 lateral hole for water connection  Floorstanding cistern, Dual Flush  89395.6  WC seat and cover Slim, removable                                 45                               450 180                      330                                      220            385                  350          385                 350
              WC seat and cover Slim, removable,
 775                           89695.1                                             240                                                                   150                                                                  310
                               WC seat and cover Universal,
 360          with lowering system
                                                 WC seats and covers for WC
 82595.2  350  Floorstanding WC combination      89896.6         360                         82095.0        560                                                          150  210                100                                                                 295                     ~100      295                     ~100
                               WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,
                               removable, with lowering system
 Floorstanding WC combination,   360  89395.5  removable, with lowering system  400       100  Wall-hung WC, washdown (180 mm             80                600               81503.1  180          135      /    520  82003.1                                82203.6.027                             82203.7.027
                                                 82095.6, 82096.4, 82096.5, 82096.6,
                                                 WC seat and cover Slim, removable,
 washdown, Vario, back-to-wall  82295.2          82295.2, 82595.2                            distance between mounting holes)                         330  400                Small washbasins 45                      Wall-hung WC, washdown                  385 Floorstanding WC, wash-out,          Floorstanding WC, wash-out,
 ~125  410  400  WC seat and cover Universal     with lowering system                                                                                                                               220                       180                               horizontal outlet                    385  vertical outlet
 650  Floorstanding WC, washdown,                                                                   360                                                         450                              150                                                          65
 375  670                   55  89896.5                    20
 82595.2.231  Vario outlet, back-to-wall  WC seat and cover Slim, removable                  82095.5                                                                                 80             600     310                      100  ~100         295                   ~100        15  295
 Floorstanding WC combination,   140             WC seat and cover Universal                 Wall-hung WC, washdown (230 mm                                                                       400   FLORA KIDS םידליל היולת הלסא                          355
                                                 WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,
 360  washdown, Vario, back-to-wall, with   82866.x WC seat and cover Universal,    removable  distance between mounting holes)                                 180                            330                          820031 :רצומ דוק  55                            350                               350    300   15
 160  360  980  removable, with lowering system                                           560                                                                            45                                                                                                      300
 lateral hole for water connection  Floorstanding cistern, Dual Flush  89395.6  100  135  75                                                                                                         65     180                               15                        ~100        170                   ~100                ~200
                               WC seat and cover Slim, removable,
 775  835                      with lowering system      83095.1            225                   180/230                                                                  150                 210                                                                                          ~200                             115
                                                 WC seat and cover Universal,
 360  400  350                           894964 :רצומ דוק   ילוארדיה SLIM בשומ     360                                                                                                       150   410              100             15

                                                 WC seat and cover LAUFEN pro,
                                                         Wall-hung bidet
 375  30  55       360                           removable, with lowering system  PRO יסאלק היולת הלסא                                                        80               600                                                      520
                                                 removable, with lowering system
 10                            89395.5        894960 :רצומ דוק   ליגר SLIM בשומ               400  820950 :רצומ דוק  135                                                                             355               135                                         300
 140  ~125                                                                  50                                                                                           330  400  55                                                    65                               15       385                                  385
 ~125  410         400         WC seat and cover Universal                                                     225                                                                 450                                 220  300                                350  15                               350
 430  650  375  430  670                         89896.5                     20                                                                                                    15                                         170  310                                       ~200
 185  185  980                 89395.6           WC seat and cover Slim, removable                                                                                                                     Options:  .104 .109 .111 .112   ~200                ~100            295                  ~100   15        295
 220  775  835  265            WC seat and cover Universal,                        180                                                                                             180                                                                      300
 360  70-290                                                                                                                                                                                                             15                                    170                                       ~200
 70-220  160  ~340  360        removable, with lowering system                                              560                                                                              45                                                                                                          115
 ~300                      980                   WC seat and cover Slim, removable,        100  135  75                                                                                         150    Washbasin mixer, fixed spout   180  46161.1                      ~200    Colours mirror mount                89103.0
 775  835  ~125                                            50             83095.1             225                                                                                                     110 mm                              Caterpillar element – head                                               Seat and cover for wall-hung WC
 ~125  410  400                                  with lowering system                                360                                                                         80                                                     100            15                                469  china red             82003.1, removable, stainless steel
 375  30     350            55                              20            Wall-hung bidet                                                                                                          600   FLORA KIDS םידליל הלסאל בשומ 135            18                                                             hinges
 10  Suitable universal cistern 82866.x          89395.5                                                        400                     Options:  .104 .109 .111 .112                        330  400  55  With pop-up waste, green handle       262                               350  300    472  avocado green       350
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            891030 :רצומ דוק
 please see technical fact sheet for   140  ~125                              135             50                                                                                                                                           220                                               15
 ~125              410                           WC seat and cover Universal     560                                                                                                                   31165.                     300                                                                    89103.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  םולשת תפסותב עבצ תפסות *
                                                                                                                                                                                                      15 With pop-up waste, red handle
 430  details  650  430                                                                                                                                                           Options:  .104 .109 .111 .112                              296  170                                           ~200                Seat and cover, for wall-hung WC
 160      980                  670                                                             20                                                                                                                                                                             ~100                                  ~100
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    82003.1, removable, with automatic
 185  185  5                                     89395.6                     75                                                         Washbasin mixer, fixed spout            46161.1                31165.  Colours mirror mount            ~200    89103.0                      115
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Seat and cover for wall-hung WC
                                                                                                                                                                                                       With pop-up waste, chrome handle
 220  775  835  265                              WC seat and cover Universal,                      180/230                             110 mm                                  Caterpillar element – head             46161.1                             Colours mirror mount                89103.0              lowering, stainless steel hinges
                                                                                                                                                                                  Washbasin mixer, fixed spout
 Cistern for    70-220  360  70-290                      Wall-hung bidet                                                                                                          110 mm                               Caterpillar element – head                 82003.1, removable, stainless steel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    469  china red
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Seat and cover for wall-hung WC
 82595.2  10  ~300  160  30  ~340  360           removable, with lowering system                             100  135                   31165.                              262  18         31165.                   Furniture colours: .472  hinges                     82003.1, removable, stainless steel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     469  china red
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Without pop-up waste, green handle
     ~125                                                                   50                400                                       With pop-up waste, green handle           31165.                                 472  avocado green                    15
 ~125  410          400                                                                     83095.1             225                                                              With pop-up waste, green handle           262  18                                                            hinges

 82995.1  430  430  30                                                       20             Wall-hung bidet                             31165.                                              31165.                   46160.1                89103.1 avocado green                                       300 white
 Dual Flush, water connection    375  10  Suitable universal cistern 82866.x                    135                                     With pop-up waste, red handle             296  31165.  Without pop-up waste, red handle  Flower mirror         Seat and cover, for wall-hung WC 89103.1  300  15
                                                                                                                                                           Options:  .104 .109 .111 .112
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Ceramic shelf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Seat and cover, for wall-hung WC   062  white and red
 at back  please see technical fact sheet for                                                                                           31165.                         With pop-up waste, red handle         296                                      300  82003.1, removable, with automatic                     .
 220  265                                                              180                         560                                                                                                 Without pop-up waste, chrome                               lowering, stainless steel hinges  82003.1, removable, with automatic
 70-290  details                                                                                                                                                                  31165.
 70-220  160  ~340  430    430                                                                                                          With pop-up waste, chrome handle          With pop-up waste, chrome handle                                 435  21                    ~200             lowering, stainless steel hinges    072  white and green
 82995.2 ~300  185  185     980                                                                75                                       31165.  Washbasin mixer, fixed spout            46161.1                                  Colours mirror mount                     89103.0
                                                                                                                                                           110 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Caterpillar element – head
 Dual Flush, water connection    220  775  835  265                        83095.1   325  360                                          Without pop-up waste, green handle      Furniture colours: .472                Furniture colours: .472                                       Seat and cover for wall-hung WC
 Cistern for
 at side (left or right)  70-220  30  70-290                               Wall-hung bidet                                                                 31165.      Without pop-up waste, green handle                         383       469  china red                82003.1, removable, stainless steel
 82595.2  10  ~300 Suitable universal cistern 82866.x                  300                                      400                     31165.  With pop-up waste, green handle                262  18                                                                    hinges  360                    Ergonomic seat for floorstanding
 please see technical fact sheet for
 82995.3  ~125      410  ~125                                                  135  560       50                                        Without pop-up waste, red handle        46160.1                                46160.1                         472  avocado green    300 white                   300 white  WC 82203.6/.7 and wall-hung WC
                                                                                                                                                                                  Without pop-up waste, red handle
                                                                                                                                                                                Flower mirror
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    82003.1, stainless steel hinges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Flower mirror
 Dual Flush, water connection    430  details  430                                             20                                       31165.  31165.  Options:  .104 .109 .111 .112      014  red  Ceramic shelf   Colours: .469   Ceramic shelf    062  white and red           062  white and red
                                                                                                                                                           With pop-up waste, red handle
 at bottom left  Dual Flush, water connection    185  Suitable universal cistern 82866.x                          135                   Without pop-up waste, chrome              Without pop-up waste, chrome                                                                       Seat and cover, for wall-hung WC
 at back  please see technical fact sheet for                                                                                                                                                  21                             435  21                                                82003.1, removable, with automatic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         072  white and green
 220  265                                                        75    360              180                          560                handle             31165.      handle  435                    024 green                            100  130              072  white and green         .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     lowering, stainless steel hinges
 Cistern for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Colours ceramic
 82995.5  70-220  160  70-290  details                                                                                                                     With pop-up waste, chrome handle                            46161.1             46161.2              Colours mirror mount                    89103.0               300 white
                                                                                                                                                                              Washbasin mixer, fixed spout
 82995.2 ~300
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Caterpillar element – head
 Dual Flush, water connection                                                                                                                              31165.  110 mm                             004 chrome           550  Caterpillar element – body with mirror        300 white      Seat and cover for wall-hung WC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        82003.1, removable, stainless steel
 at bottom right  Dual Flush, water connection                                    400        83095.1  325  360                                            Without pop-up waste, green handle      Furniture colours: .472                                        89103.2   469  china red     Ergonomic seat for floorstanding     061  red
 82995.1  at side (left or right) Cistern for    30       205  175  50                       Wall-hung bidet                                                                  31165.                               262  18  360          21            Ergonomic seat for floorstanding      hinges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         400  white LCC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WC 82203.6/.7 and wall-hung WC    071 green
 Dual Flush, water connection    82595.2  10  Suitable universal cistern 82866.x   40   300     135                                                        31165.  With pop-up waste, green handle                                    328              WC 82203.6/.7 and wall-hung WC                             .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          472  avocado green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Laufen Clean Coat)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . 82003.1, stainless steel hinges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               300 white
 at back  82995.3  please see technical fact sheet for              200  180                       560                                                     Without pop-up waste, red handle    014  red  46160.1       Colours: .469        87703.1               82003.1, stainless steel hinges       89103.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Flower mirror
                                                                                                                                                                                Colours: .469
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Seat and cover, for wall-hung WC
 Dual Flush, water connection    430  details  430                                                                                                014  red  31165.  With pop-up waste, red handle            296                 Ceramic shelf                                      062  white and red
 82995.2  at bottom left  Dual Flush, water connection    185  Options: .302 .304                                                                          Without pop-up waste, chrome     024 green                  46161.2                             Colours ceramic               062  white and red 82003.1, removable, with automatic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         300 white
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        lowering, stainless steel hinges
 Dual Flush, water connection    at back  265                                     75  325  360            180                                     024 green                   With pop-up waste, chrome handle    21   Caterpillar element – body with mirror             100  130       072  white and green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               072  white and green
                                                                                                                                                                                            004 chrome
 Cistern for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            300 white
 at side (left or right)  70-220  70-290                                       100  120                                                                                         46161.2                                  Colours ceramic   Furniture colours: .472    300 white                          061  red
                                                                                                                                                                                Caterpillar element – body with mirror
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over     300                 181                                                    004 chrome                  31165.                        Furniture colours: .472           550
 Dual Flush, water connection
 82995.2 ~300
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            061  red
 82995.3  at bottom right  Dual Flush, water connection                          50                400                 325                                                    Without pop-up waste, green handle            328     300 white                        400  white LCC   89103.2            071 green                               201
                                                                                                                                                                                                     For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.
 Dual Flush, water connection    at side (left or right)                    205  175                              100  120                                                    31165.                                     400  white LCC       360             (Laufen Clean Coat)                       300 white
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ergonomic seat for floorstanding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     WC 82203.6/.7 and wall-hung WC
 at bottom left  Dual Flush, water connection    Suitable universal cistern 82866.x   40                  300     135                                                         Without pop-up waste, red handle         46160.1           (Laufen Clean Coat)    87703.1     071 green                              .
 at back  82995.3  please see technical fact sheet for            75                  200  180                       560                                                                                               Flower mirror                            Ceramic shelf        82003.1, stainless steel hinges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     062  white and red
 82995.5  Dual Flush, water connection    details                                                                                                                    014  red  31165.   Colours: .469                                                                                                   062  white and red
                                                                                                                                                                              Without pop-up waste, chrome
 Dual Flush, water connection    at bottom left                           Options: .302 .304                                                                                  handle                                   Furniture colours: .472                       072  white and green    100  130              072  white and green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    062  white and red
 at bottom right  Dual Flush, water connection                                     400              75325  360                                                       024 green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Colours ceramic
 at side (left or right) Cistern for                       205  175  50                         100  120                                                                                           46161.2                          072  white and green                                       300 white
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Caterpillar element – body with mirror
                                                                                                                                                                                Furniture colours: .472
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.  40  300  181    004 chrome For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.  550                   201
 Dual Flush, water connection
 82995.3  at bottom right                                            200                                              400                                                                                               383                            300 white                               061  red  89103.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ergonomic seat for floorstanding
 Dual Flush, water connection                                                                 205  175  50                            For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.               400  white LCC       360                   201   WC 82203.6/.7 and wall-hung WC
 at bottom left  Dual Flush, water connection            Options: .302 .304                         40                                                                                                   328                                                (Laufen Clean Coat)                071 green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        82003.1, stainless steel hinges
 at back                                                                                                200
                                                                                   75                      180                                                                           014  red                      Colours: .469
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over                          181                                                                                          024 green   375                                               062  white and red
 Dual Flush, water connection
                                                                                            Options: .302 .304
 at bottom right  Dual Flush, water connection                                                      400                 325                                                                                            46161.2                                  Colours ceramic                                    300 white
 at side (left or right)                                                    205  175  50                          100  120                                                               004 chrome                    Caterpillar element – body with mirror
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       072  white and green
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.  181                         Furniture colours: .472                                                300 white
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over
                                                                                   40                      300                                                                                                                                                                                                     061  red
 82995.3                                                                              200                                                                                                                                        21
 Dual Flush, water connection                                                                                                                            For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.               400  white LCC                           071 green
 at bottom left                                                            Options: .302 .304                                                                                                                                                                                  (Laufen Clean Coat)
 82995.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                375
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over                                           181                                                                                                                                                          062  white and red
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over
 Dual Flush, water connection
 at bottom right                                                                                                      400
                                                                                              205  175  50                                                                                                             Furniture colours: .472                            072  white and green
                                                                                                        200                                                                  For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.                                                         201
                                                                                             Options: .302 .304
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the overview at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.view at the end of the catalogue.
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over
 For information on ceramic colours and options, refer to the over                                                             181
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