Page 100 - Merry Barbara "Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts"
P. 100

Round Canvas Ditty Bag or Laundry Bag, Canvas Letter Holder, Rope Hammock > 93

                Weaving strands to create the
                hammock clew.
                                                    When the clew is finished, you will have ten strands ready to tie to the spreader

                                                      5> Continue this weaving process      exits the spreader bar to it. Tie
                                                        on the left and right sides until   a bowline with the clew strand
                                                        just two strands remain. Tie        around the middle of the pair
                                                        an overhand knot with these         of long cords (see diagram).
                                                        two strands. (See diagram and     3> Continue tying the clew ropes
                                                                                            to the middled (folded in half)
                                                      6> Lace the ten ends of the clew      pairs of hammock ropes until
                                                        through the spreader bar. My        all twenty lengths are tied in
                                                        bar measures 4 feet by 1 ⁄8         place.
                                                        inches by 1 inch, with ten holes     4> Now tie the first row of carrick
                                                        drilled through about every 5
                                                        inches. (If your pre-purchased      bend knots as shown in the
                                                                                            diagram (see Chapter 7 to learn
                                                        spreader bar has more than
                                                        ten holes, you can fill them        how to tie a carrick bend). Note
                                                                                            that each knot is tied close to
                                                        with wood putty.) Set your bars     the next one, and the entry and
                                                        aside, but not too far away.
                                                                                            exit points are the same all the
                                                        Follow these steps to make the      way across the row.
                                                    body of the hammock:
                                                                                          5> Tie each carrick bend in the
                                                      1> Cut twenty lengths of cotton       second row close to its neigh-
                                                        cord, each 41 feet long.            bor. Make sure that the entry
                                                      2> Find the middle of the first two   and exit points for the knots
                                                        long cords, and holding these       in the second row are exactly
                                                        cords in the middle bring the       opposite from those in the row
                The completed hammock clew.             end of the first clew strand that   above.
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