Page 106 - Merry Barbara "Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts"
P. 106
Glossary > 99
in the unfinished warp threads in Middle Eastern make a continuous or endless length without ap-
linens. preciably increasing the diameter; making a loop,
Manila cordage/rope Rope composed of fibers or an eye, in the end of a rope by tucking the ends
grown in the Philippines, specifically the abaca of the strands.
plant. Square knot A knot based on half-knots that joins
Marry To interlace two ropes, end to end, for splicing. two pieces of cordage or rope.
McNamara’s lace An intricate style of knots tied in Standing part The area in the rope that is inactive, as
canvas fringe. Invented by sailors in the U.S. Navy. opposed to the working end, bitter end, or bight.
Middle, middling To fold a piece of cordage in half. Strand An arrangement of fibers or wires helically laid
Net knot A knot used to create nets and hammocks. about an axis to produce a symmetrical section.
Ocean plat knot A knot that is a variation on a car- Tuck To push a single strand through the body of a
rick bend, used to make flat mats. rope.
Pure grain alcohol A 190-proof grain spirit. Clear, Turk’s Head knot A braided knot made from a series
flammable liquid distilled from grain mesh to a of strands and clovers. These knots can be made
very high percentage of ethanol. flat or bound around a cylinder such as a spar.
Rayon Manufactured from whets of cellulose (white Twine Rope of a diameter larger than a sewing thread
crumb). The cordage imitates silk and is easily but smaller than a shoelace.
dyed. Unlay To take the twist out of a three-strand rope. The
Reeve To pass the end of a rope through a hole. ends of the three strands are taped to prevent
Right-laid A rope with strands twisted up and to the them from unlaying.
right when the end points away from the viewer. Wall knot A knot used to make buttons and other
Seize To securely bind the end of a rope or strand items. Often combined with a crown knot.
with small stuff. Whip To wrap the end of a rope with small stuff to
Sennit Braided cordage. prevent the rope from unlaying.
Serve To cover the surface of a line or wire with a Working end The part of cordage used to create a
smooth wrapping of fiber cord. knot.
Shellac A quick-drying finish/sealer. Cultivated from Working load A manufacturer’s recommendation of
the cast-off cocoon of the Laccifer lacca beetle. the maximum pounds of pull to which a rope can
Small stuff Rope of less than ½ inch (12 mm) safely be subjected—generally, one-tenth the new
diameter. rope’s breaking strength.
Splice The interweaving of two ends of ropes so as to Yarn A group of fibers twisted together; thread.