Page 42 - Merry Barbara "Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts"
P. 42

Monkey’s Fist > 35

                    The cotton seine twine I used for the monkey’s fist
                fob shown in this chapter is #48 (6 feet in length).
                    Follow these steps to make the watch or key fob:
                  1> Make a monkey’s fist knot around the wooden ball.
                    Leave 6 inches of twine free at the working end
                    and at the bitter end of the knot.
                  2> When you finish the knot, hold the working end and
                    the bitter end together and tie an overhand knot
                    in the twine. (Note: I always sew my monkey fist key
                    fobs because they get hard use.  I wouldn’t want one
                    to come back with the ends coming out—calling
                    into question the maker’s tying abilities!)
                  3> As you draw up the cordage around the ball,
                    leave the slack in one area; don’t pull it all the way
                    through the knot. You’ll see that a bight of about
                    6 inches of slack will form halfway through the knot.
                    It will be hanging out like a pouch. After the work-
                    ing ends are sewn tightly, go back to the slack and
                    tie a tight overhand knot or a knob knot close to the
                    ball. Now you can tie a cow hitch/lark’s head knot to
                    attach your keys.

                                      Unraveled cotton rope that makes
                                       a fringe at the end of the dog toy.

                The dog toy tied with a monkey’s fist around a rubber ball, finished with an overhand knot before the fringe.
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