Page 63 - Merry Barbara "Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts"
P. 63

Chapter 8 > Decorative Hitchings:

                Double French,

                Zig-Zag, Single

                French, and Ring Bolt

                I have heard that hitching originated from the whalers who

                were introduced to it by South American cattle ranchers—
                gauchos—who tied fancy and ornate whips, bridles, and

                Tools with decorative hitching on
                their handles. Shown here are a
                wrench with single French hitching,
                a hammer with double French
                hitching, pliers with ring bolt                                                   pliers with ring bolt
                hitching, and a knife with zig-zag                                                     hitching
                hitching. Turk’s Head knots are used
                at the top and bottom of the grips.

                                      hammer with double
                                        French hitching

                 wrench with single
                  French hitching

                                                                                        knife with zig-zag

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