Page 71 - Merry Barbara "Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts"
P. 71
64 < Marlinspike Sailor’s Knots and Crafts
This small project is the perfect way to show off your
knot-tying abilities. This frame displays four practical
knots (the bowline, the figure eight knot, the carrick
bend, and the square knot). The frame itself is
decorated with the other type of knotting called
“fanciwork”—elaborately tied braids and sennits.
Making or tying sennits is a lot like making a bolt
of cloth. The first few feet are more often than not
unusable because the cloth got started with uneven
tension or the die didn’t get into the cloth properly.
The same goes for the end of the bolt. Mess-ups just
happen. It’s the same with these braids; it takes the
tyer a short distance of tying before he or she finds a
smooth, consistent tension to create the perfect braid.
Be sure to build in a little extra braid at the end to use
as a handhold. I understand that there is waste, but
it’s impossible to tie a perfectly smooth uniform braid
down to the very bitter end.
Making Three-Strand
and Four-Strand Sennits
You will use the three-strand sennit in the wooden box
project and the four-strand sennit in the picture frame
It is fairly simple to make a three-strand sennit. Fol-
low these steps:
1 > Lay three strands of twine side by side.
Supplies used to decorate the wooden frame and box
include cotton twine and a corkboard or similar soft 2 > Take a strand on the right or left and set it in the
material to pin your work onto as you create the braids. center.
Note, however, that our project uses a 5 x 7 frame, which 3 > Now take the strand from the other side and set it
holds a 4 x 6 photo (the inner black line), as shown here. in the center, and so on.
The four-strand sennit is more complicated. Follow
Decorated Picture Frame these steps and see the diagram:
1> Lay eight strands of twine side by side in pairs of
5 inch by 7 inch picture frame two (four pairs of strands).
35 feet of #24 cotton seine twine, used for the 2> Cross the second (step 1) and fourth pairs (step 2)
4-strand braid (36 inches total) over the pairs of strands to the left.
30 feet of #18 cotton seine twine, used to make 3 > Cross the new second pair of strands over the pair
the cable to its right (step 3).
12 feet of #18 cotton seine twine, used for the five 4 > Repeat this pattern to form the sennit (step 4).
ocean plat knots
white glue 5 > For the picture frame, tie one long sennit, glued on
the back at 8 inches, 8 inches, 6 inches, and 6 inches.
corkboard or like material and T pins Let the sennit dry, and then cut mitered corners. You
masking tape will then tie an ocean plat knot and paste it over the
sharp knife or scissors mitered corner (see photo). Full instructions follow
ruler for completing the sennit for the picture frame.