Page 81 - Merry Barbara "Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts"
P. 81

74 < Marlinspike Sailor’s Knots and Crafts

                Chinese Button Knot Bracelet                            3> Adjust the loop down to a scant half inch, then add

                  72 inches of 1mm rayon pettit #0 orange cord—           the remaining Chinese button knots—sixteen or
                    or any colors you choose (it can also be made         seventeen knots work nicely and make a 7½-inch
                    with leather lacing)
                  sharp knife or scissors                               4 > When you finish the last knot, cut the cord close.
                As I write this book, it’s summertime. The colors of the   Chinese Button Knot
                day reflect that. So for the bracelet I chose a yummy   Necklace
                sherbet orange rayon cord. This material is available
                online or from big-box stores. I also tied one in black   20 feet of satin rayon rat tail cord
                (see the photograph at the start of this chapter to see   sharp knife or scissors
                the completed bracelets).                               ruler
                    As you’ll notice I tied a succession of knots in one
                color for the bracelet. You can also make a bracelet or   Follow these steps to make an 18-inch choker out of
                wristlet with fewer knots, spaced out farther. In the 7   Chinese button knots:
                ½-inch bracelet here, I tied sixteen knots in black and     1> Middle (fold in half) the 20 feet of satin rayon rat
                seventeen knots in orange.                                tail cord.
                    Follow these steps to make a bracelet out of        2 > Wrap the middled cord around your fingers and
                Chinese button knots:                                     make a series of Chinese button knots.
                  1 > Middle the cord (fold it in half).                3 > When you finish the last knot, put the loop in front
                  2 > Wrap the middled cord around your fingers and       of the first knot above the last knot you tied to
                    make one Chinese button knot.                         clasp it shut.
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