Page 58 - Straive eCoffee Table Book: EdTech Solutions
P. 58

Two-Track                                                       Remediation of

                                                                             Diverse Product Types

             Straive developed a two-track remediation solution to address the publisher’s
             overall remediation goals and the immediate needs of students with disabilities who

             were actively using their products.

                       Track 1, Legacy List:                            Track 2, Rapid Response:

                        Audited and retrofitted                           Assigned a team to do accelerated
                        the EPUB and PPT files                            batchwise conversion of products

                        for most of the backlist                         based on the feedback received

                        titles according to a                            from the students actively using
                        predetermined schedule.                          them. The goal was to make each

                                                                         chapter accessible before the

                                                                         student needed it. This work largely
                                                                         involved PPT, PDF, and Word files.

     58 | Accessibility, Localization & Customer Support | Complex, Large-Scale remediation for a major educational publisher
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