Page 3 - Dash (July 24, 2021)
P. 3

Driving the Journey to Digital Transformation
 Enterprise  Enterprise Applications Launched
 by Lionell Misquita, Head of Enterprise Applications, Corporate IT
       As aligned with Straive’s positioning as a technology company, we venture
       towards empowerment through enablement to create the most impact.
 The first half of 2021 saw many changes at Straive. The new brand launch triggered   One of the most notable applications we have deployed this year include the
 renewed acceleration of the company’s digital transformation both to serve our   Straive Email Transition application, which allowed employees ease in updating
 clients better, and in parallel, improve our internal processes. For the IT team, it has   their HR records while making the set-up of emails under the new domain
 been an exhilarating journey. The reorganization of the IT teams, which started last   hassle-free. The File Upload Tool, is also another system that has been successfully
 year, has made way to the integration of SCOPE and SPS IT teams into the Global   deployed. The tool enables employees to upload soft copies of their signed
 IT fold and new positions are being filled, as we aim to implement best-in class IT   insurance forms with increased security, eliminating the risk of sending personal
 Service practices in the enterprise. We have also put key people in place to support   data over email.
 and lead our transformation initiatives – and we continue to grow our team follow-
 ing this principle.                           airBFF

 In our e orts to ramp up our services, the IT team has been tireless in developing   Your Travel Bestfriend
 and deploying technology solutions for our internal processes over the last six   airBFF              Contract
 months. Working closely with various departments and business units, our goal is   An application to track travel requests,   Management
 not only to automate our systems, but to also ensure secure access and ease of use   route it for approvals and view
 of these apps by their end users.    travel proposals and reports                                        System
                                JULY                                                     Enhancements to improve
                                                                                    TAT on contract approvals and
 Summary of Projects Completed in H1                                                 integrate electronic signature

 Project  Description  Variable Incentive Program
 Name                                                                                               AUGUST
     A web-based application to automate
 Change   An application for the creation, approval and tracking of Change Requests  the calculation of incentive for eligible
 Request System  that were earlier done in a distributed manner over multiple emails  employees

 Asset Life Cycle  An application to manage the lifecycle of all                         Darwin Box HCM
 Management System  IT/Non-IT assets from procurement to retirement
               AUGUST                                                                    An application to manage

 An application to enable employees to upload soft copies of their signed insurance     the hire to retire processes
 File Upload Tool                                                                     for the HR team that include
 form. Eliminates the need for all employees to send personal data over email.
                                                                                       onboarding, employee data
 Migration of Corporate  Migration to cloud provides greater uptime and accessibility for all our   management, leave and
 Websites to AWS  applications as compared to earlier when these sites were hosted on-prem  attendance management,
                                                                                              exit management and

 Asset Checklist  An application used by End User Computing to record and  Asset Lifecycle        payroll processes
 track completeness of software installed in each asset released
    Management                                                                          JULY-AUGUST
 Straive  An application to collect employee information to:  A system to track the end-to-end
 1. Correct the current display name
 Email Transition  2. Communicate change and standardize of the email IDs from SPI Global to Straive  management of an IT/NON-IT asset
    ranging from its procurement to
 SPi Assure  Enhancement of the system allowing users to set frequency and  its retirement
 applicable month period for regulatory reports and provide supporting documents

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