Page 5 - Dash of SPiCE (October 23, 2020)
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The first week of October is usually the The succeeding days were a flurry of activities with each group hosting virtual games
time when many organizations around and activities aligned with their chosen values of collaboration, excellence, integrity,
the world make an effort to recognize passion, respect, and teamwork. Pockets of activities were also held, with each team’s
and honor the importance of excellent respective clients joining the program and sharing their messages of appreciation and
customer service and those who deliver it. gratitude toeveryone. It was definitely a game changer.
by Micah Magante-Espiritu, CS Operations Manager
by Micah Magante-Espiritu, CS Operations Manager
It has been a struggle to keep employees
It’s unfathomable how this year has unfold- continuously engaged since the begin- The week was sweetly capped off by an equally entertaining closing party where Manju
Bharadwaj (Chief People Officer) gave her opening remarks. More employees show-
ed and changed our lives. ning of the WFH set-up in March, yet our cased their talents and generously gave us their best performances, eliciting “ooohs”
Everything feels very different now than current state requires us to redefine the and “aaahs” from a virtual but very engaged audience.
earlier this year. This is especially evident in next normal by coming up with employee
our work lives. If we have learned anything engagement activities. The Customer The event culminated with a rewards and recognition segment for top performing em-
since March, it is that things can radically Experience team with the support of ployees who continue to exceed expectations. The event was aptly concluded by
change overnight. In the blink of an eye, Operations leaders worked together, Mayan Serrano’s (Head of Customer Services) closing remarks and her message of light
our workplace has transformed, from collaborated, discussed and strategized and love to the people who continue to make Customer Service an invincible team to
reporting in the office to working from to create exciting activities in celebration beat amidst 2020’s many challenges.
home, forcing us to be physically separat- of Customer Service Week.
ed from our workmates, requiring us to The 2020 Customer Service Week theme
adapt to a digital and remote way of was Dream Team. This reflects the impor-
interacting with each other and profound- tance of teamwork in providing outstand-
ly altering our daily experiences. ing service to all customers. It highlights
While the primary threat to us has been the teams’ values of embracing new
the COVID-19 virus, we are also seeing work arrangements, being passionate
that there’s a long-term threat of growing about what they do, striving for excel-
isolation amongst employees. This can lence, adapting to change, and giving Watch the culminating activies here.
lead to demotivation which might leave utmost value to teamwork.
our extensive human potential untapped. Social distancing might not be ending in the foreseeable future. The current situation
Indeed, this pandemic is testing all of us in It was a week full of exciting and mean- will continue to challenge us to think of more ways to connect from afar. We can either
ways we have never imagined. ingful activities which commenced with a choose to move toward despair, fear, isolation, and uncertainty, or we can choose to
grand kick-off on October 5, Monday.
There is, however, an irony at work here Employees found themselves in awe of move towards creativity, collaboration, connection and unity as we thrive in our
and a hidden opportunity to come up with the multitude of talents in the Customer society’s next normal. For the Customer Service employees, the CS Week sends a strong
ideas that haven’t been explored in the Service Department, seeing their col- message of staying connected despite the distance. The pandemic and the whole
past, like letting go of traditional strategies leagues and leaders doing song and remote team structure has forced us to revisit, rethink and redo how we execute things
and discovering new ways of doing things. dance numbers on a virtual stage. and made us realize that as an organization, we are fully capable of adapting in a posi-
With the incredibly challenging dynamics We were also graced with the presence tive way to circumstances imposed upon us.
of a remote team set up comes the great of SPi’s leaders like Prabhakar Bisen (Chief Ultimately, COVID-19 has taught us a great deal about the true nature of interaction,
opportunity to build on the creativity and Operating Officer) and Felma Magnata connection and collaboration. The new way of celebrating Customer Service Week
resilience of SPi employees.The perfect (SVP for Operations) who shared their has indeed become a catalyst to the team’s enterprising spirit of breaking boundaries,
chance to showcase this is the celebration messages of wisdom and hope. challenging the status quo and displaying ingenuity in these unprecedented and
of this year’s Customer Service Week. definitively trying times.
4 • Customer Service Week 2020: Redefining customer & employee experience 5 • Customer Service Week 2020: Redefining customer & employee experience