P. 7

Tips Reduce Carbon Footprint

                             D I G I T A L   H A B I T S   T O   S U P P O R T   N E T   Z E R O   F U T U R E

                             With the ever rising problem of global warming, reducing one’s Carbon Emissions

                             has become of prime importance.

                             HSBC is committed to a Net Zero future by playing a leading role in mobilising

                             the transition to a global net zero economy, not just by financing it, but by helping

                             to shape and influence the global policy agenda.

                             But walking the path of sustainability can be a tough task..

                             Well not really…

                             In this series of Digital Habits, we will share tips where just a small change can

                             have  a  great  impact  and  go  a  long  way  in  reducing  your  individual’s  Carbon

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