Page 7 - 00 Encuesta de Salarios y Beneficios Nov2021 II Muestra
P. 7
The information processed in this
Survey, submitted by companies The results furnished by
that are members of our the 2021 • Methodology
Association, through a confidential INDEXJUAREZ/SYSPE
detailed questionnaire to cover Salary and Benefits
each and every area in this Survey have been Información/ Data:
methodology; our consultants processed by a team of
verified with each of the professional consultants
participating companies, all of the who are experts in • 81 Plants
information as well as except compensations, by a
information provided by the technical team that • Localitation Park
companies of each area requested helped achieve the target;
in order to learn the reasoning used everyone, focused in our • Manufacture
in the data provided or in the tasks make up a team of
information omitted by the leaders with various • Size of the Plant
participant. These observations will capabilities that help us • 426 Position
be mentioned as companies without provide you with this Descriptions
information in our data presentation, dependable and
and the name of the company that competitive tool, which • Español e Inglés / English
did not provide the referred will allow you to diagnose /Spanish.
information will not be mentioned. your salary structure and
Our consultants analyzed each your decisions to attract
concept and ratified the content for investment for your
the final process of the information companies.
by previously reviewing the criteria
used by the participants