P. 11

Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas X KD 3.1/4.1

                               b)    Introducing Myself

                                      Informal introduction                                  Responses

                                •     Hello, I am……Nice to meet you    •   Hi, I am …… Nice to meet you
                                •     Hi, I am……Nice to meet you     •     Hello, I am …… Nice to meet you
                                •     Excuse me. I am …. what’s your   •   I am ……
                                      name?                          •     Hello. I am …. / My name’s ….
                                •     Hi, what’s your name ….
                               Informal introduction is used when you introduce yourself to someone at about
                               the same age with you. Informal introduction id used in a informal situation.

                               c)    Introducing Others

                                              Formal                             Responses

                                •     Good morning, may I introduce   •    How do you Mr./Mrs. …nice to
                                      our guest here,                      meet you.
                                •     His name is…                   •     My name is ……………
                                •     Mr. ……this is ….my friend in this
                                •     I ‘d like to introduce you to Mr.
                                •     Dewi, let me introduce you to ….
                                •     Shifa, may I introduce you to ….
                                •     Mr. Alax, allow me introduce you
                                      to Miss ...

                                             Informal                            Responses

                                •     Let me introduce my friend, her   •   Hello Anna, glad to meet you.
                                      name is Ana.                   •     Hello Oky, I am Bara.
                                •     Anna this is Chris my friend here.   •   Glad to see you
                                •     Rini, this is Andy, Edi and Topan   •   How do you do nice to meet/see
                                •     Oh … Dewi, I d like you to meet      you
                                      ….                             •     No, I don’t think so.
                                •     By the way, do you know each   •     No, I haven’t.
                                      other?                         •     Hi, glad to meet you. I’m Renata.
                                •     Do you know Baskara?           •     Hello, Renata. Pleased to meet
                                •     Have you met Baskara?                you.
                                •     This is a friend of mine, Renata.   •   I’m glad to know you.
                                •     Baska this is Rena, my friend.   •   It’s nice to meet you.
                                •     May I introduce our new        •     How do you do?
                                      member, Mr. Rafael Romero?     •     How do you do? It’s very nice to
                                •     Please allow me to introduce our     meet you.
                                      new District Manager.
                                •     Let me introduce you to Mr.
                                      Iskandar our Marketing Manager.
                                      Mr. Iskandar, this is Mr.
                                      Hermawan from Borneo
                                      Plantation Company.

                    @2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN                 11
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