Page 37 - Managing Employee Performance - EPMDS Training Manual
P. 37
5.4 Self-Rating of Key Performance Areas
You will see that the rating scale has been changed. Please refer to Page 16 of this training
manual for a detailed description of the KPA rating scale. You will notice that your KPAs and
KPIs have already been pre-populated on the left-hand side. If any information is incorrect,
contact your line manager to refer this query to the Training Department for rectification.
In the next fields you will see the motivation and examples given by your line manager for the
achievement of each KPA, the weighting allocated for each KPA, and the rating given by your
line manager for the particular KPA. Navigate to the "Rating (Employee)" column and click on
the drop-down arrow. Choose the appropriate rating for the particular KPA. When you are
finished, press enter and complete the remaining KPAs.
Figure 21: Employee Self-Rating of Key Performance Areas
Part 5: Employee Self-Assessment | 27