Page 10 - ISU Echague LUDIP
P. 10

Land Use Framework Planning Principles

          survey the provincial and city context and focus on the ISU main campus  and uses the form of the land  to define an academic

          core structure,  open spaces, transportation and utilities network along a university township concept

      •    Support the Academic Mission of the
           university by enabling academic growth by
           providing open, collaborative and adaptable
           environments for learning, research,
           service and community extension and
           nurture innovations

      •    Promote Sustainable and green
           technologies through proper stewardship
           of the physical environment of the main
           campus and broader land base for the
           benefit of the university, its constituents,
           neighbors and the larger ecosystem

      •    Enliven campus experience through a
           diversity of accessible and safe places for
           social and cultural interaction, recreation,
           athletics, and  enjoyment by faculty, staff
           and visitors and maintaining  its legacy of
           memorable landscapes and promoting a
           compact  and walkable campus

      •    Empower Community by enhancing the
           community building aspects of the campus,
           increase housing options and expand social
           and cultural infrastructure and promote a
           healthy and vibrant community lifestyle

                                                                                                       AUG. 26-OCT. 25                                             OCT. 26-NOV. 26              NOV. 27-DEC. 24           DEC. 25-JAN. 31
      •    Ensure integrative Planning and Design in
           the university by integrating disciplines,                               2019
           engaging communities and coordinating
           academic development , landscaping and
           infrastructure development.

      •    Preserve the legacy of Agriculture
           buildings, production areas and open spaces
           that reflect the university’s historical and
           cultural heritage.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Land Use
                                                                                                           ISABELA STATE                                Land Use Development and                              Framework
                                                                                                             UNIVERSITY                                     Infrastructure Plan
                                                                                                                                                                 Main campus                                    Planning
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