Page 107 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
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  Part 2
Corporate Governance
In addition, the Company has a policy to prohibit the Company’s director or executive to hold director or executive position in other company or business which may cause conflict of interest with the Company. In case the top management shall hold the position in other company, an approval must be granted from the Board of Directors first.
During 2024, the Company did not have any transaction which may have conflict of interest with the connected person or business at all. The knowledge providing on business ethnics with regard to the prevention of conflict of interest has been arranged for the directors through the annual review and training to the executives, and the employees through in-house training from the human resources departmant and the orientation session.
Use of inside information to seek benefits
The Company specified guidelines to prevent abuse usage of inside information for personal gain in the Company’s business ethics and such details was disclosed in the Company’s website in the ‘Corporate Governance’ topic. There is a providing training to directors through annual review and providing training to executives and employees every year.
In 2024, there are no directors nor executives were found to be using inside information to seek benefits for themselves or others.
Privacy policy
The Company recognizes the importance of personal data and other information about individuals (collectively referred to as the "Data") and is committed to securing Data as well as privacy of Data, so that the data subject can be confident that the Company will collect, compile, use, disclose or transfer Data of the data subject transparently and responsibly pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2562 (2019) and other relevant laws. Therefore, in order to comply with the applicable law, the Company has prepared a Personal Data Protection Notice to clarify to the data subject on details about collection, compilation, use, and disclosure of Data of the data subject including channels and processes for handling complaints regarding personal data issues as per details in the Personal Data Protection Policy publicized on the Company's website.
Since 2022, the Company has appointed the Personal Data Supervisory Committee, the Data Controller, the Data Protection Officer, and the Personal Data Working Group to ensure that the operations relevant to personal data protection of the Company shall be efficiently and securely conducted and conformed to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) and the relevant and additional notifications. Moreover, during 2022-2023, the Company applied the t-reg PDPA Platform to facilitate the management
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Union Auction Public Company Limited

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