Page 188 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 188

  Attachment 4
Nature of work : The Company accepts to arrange the online real estate auction via the Company’s website. The Company has duty to publicize and
open the auction via the Company’s website.
5. Relevant to the consignment of goods contract (AUCT Shopping): details in normal conditions
are as follows:
Contract parties
Nature of work
: The Company sell lubricant oil for engine, car and motorcycle.
: 1 - 2 years. If there is no termination of the contract, it will be deemed to be effective for the same period of the original contract or until
the termination of the auction contract.
: The Company engages in selling of lubricant oil for engine, car and
motorcycle through the Company’s website, whereas the Company has duty to publicise and sell through the Company’s website.
6. Transport of cars and motorcycles contract: details in normal conditions are as follows:
Contract parties Period
Nature of work
: Transport company
: 1 year. If there is no termination of the contract, it will be deemed
that the contract will be effective for 1 year each time.
: The contractor agrees to relocate a car or a motorcycle as per assigned by the Company on the date and from the location specified in the work order form by the Company. The contractor must provide personnel and vehicle transporters, materials. and tools in good condition to prevent a car or motorcycle from falling from transporter beginning from point of original to destination, as well as organize cars or motorcycles parked in the Company's area in orderly manner.
7. Cleaning of cars and motorcycles contract: details in normal conditions are as follows: Contract parties : Person or shop
Period : 1 year. If there is no termination of the contract, it will be deemed
Nature of work
that the contract will be effective for 1 year each time.
: The contractor will clean all cars and motorcycles before they enter sale by public auction process at the head office and the branch offices. The Company will provide the cleaning area and public utility, while the contractor will arrange for equipment, tools, and labor. Service fee will be charged based on type of vehicle for each vehicle
and/or as lump sum price.
Details of asset appraisal
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)

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