Page 189 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 189

  Attachment 5
Policy and guidelines on corporate governance
Corporate Governance
The Company placed importance on good corporate governance, thus a written corporate governance policy has been established. Such policy, which had been constantly reviewed and monitored on compliance by the Board of Directors, has been announced for the executives and employees’ acknowledgement and observance.
See more details at: (Thai only) Code of conduct
The Company has prepared the code of conducts of the Board of
Directors, the Executive Committee and the operators of all departments
to be observed as guidelines for working with honesty, standardization,
quality and fairness to the Company and all stakeholders’ group by adhering
to business operations pursuant to relevant laws and regulations including
contracts made with the trade partners. Such guidelines have been
communicated to all directors, management and employees for their
acknowledgement and compliance. The Company believes that placing
importance to those code of conducts can help the Company to lift up the corporate governance standards as well as to strengthen confidences of the investors, enhance reputation and prestige of the Company.
See more details at: (Thai only) Anti-Corruption Policy
The Company determined to conduct business with honesty, transparency and compliance with the good corporate principles, consequently, fraud prevention and anti-corruption practice and policy have been prepared in writing to be used as guidelines for business operations as well as for prevention of potential damages arising from fraud and corruption which may impact to fair and free competition. The directors, executives and employees at all levels are urged to strictly abide by such practice and policy.
See more details at: (Thai only)
Attachment 5
             บริษัท สหการประมูล จากัด (มหาชน)
Union Auction Public Company Limited

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