Page 193 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 193

  Report of the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee consists of 4 independent directors who are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sauwanee Thairungroj as Chairman, Mrs. Wilaiwan Srisamrual, Dr. Theerathon Tharachai, and Mr. Somyod Suteerapornchai who was appointed by the 5/2024 Board of Directors held on 13 December 2024. The Audi Committee have performed duties independently as per assigned by the Board of Directors and according to scope of duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee. In 2024, the Audit Committee held 4 meetings and directors attended all 4 meetings. A summary of the operational work is as follows:
1. The Financial Reports: The Audit Committee has reviewed the important information of the Company’s quarterly and annual financial statements together with the executives, the internal auditors, and auditors, including to KEY AUDIT MATTERS in the auditor report. By evaluating and testing the Company’s information system and internal control system, considering impacts from changes in the financial reporting standards to make sure that the financial reports are correctly and credibly prepared for benefits of the users of the financial statements. In addition, the Audit Committee has attended the meeting with the external auditor without participation of the management to discuss about material information and internal control system relevant to the preparation of accounting and financial report. Results found that the external auditor received good cooperation from the management, has independency on performing the works.
2. Connected Transactions or Conflicts of Interest Transactions: The Audit Committee has reviewed the connected transactions or transactions which may have conflicts of interest of the Company by adhering to the principles of reasonableness, transparency, and adequate disclosure of information in compliance with the laws and regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
3. The Internal Control Systems and the Internal Audit: The Audit Committee considered and approved the annual audit plan and considered independence of internal audit operations and reviewed the Company’s internal control system pursuant to the practices of the Securities and Exchange Commission. According to the audit findings of the Internal Audit Office and the external auditor, no issue or weakness which may significantly affect the Company was found. The management continually improved and rectified issues as per recommended by the Audit Committee, the external auditor and the Internal Audit Office which signified that the Company placed importance to its internal control, and it could be confident that the Company has adequate internal control.
Attachment 6
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Union Auction Public Company Limited

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