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  Attachment 6
4. Good Corporate Governance and Compliance with Relevant Laws and Regulations:
The Audit Committee considered and reviewed the management to ensure good corporate governance; considered and reviewed scope, authority, duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee, compliance with the laws, including regulations, requirements relevant to the laws on security and exchange of Thailand and other laws relevant to the Company’s business operations to ensure that they have been strictly abided by.
5. Considered the Appointment of Auditors for 2024: The Audit Committee selected the auditors of the Company by considering the qualifications, independence of the auditors, expertise, experience, performance, and the scope of the inspection guidelines as well as not conflict to the announcement of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Audit Committee deemed it appropriate to propose auditors from EY Office Limited to be the Company’s auditors for the year 2024 to the Board of directors in order to be approved by the Shareholder’s Meeting.
6. The Company’s Anti-Corruption: The Audit Committee has considered and reviewed the anti-corruption policy to prepare readiness before participation in the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) which will be used as practical guideline and be able to drive the organization to conduct business transparently and efficiently.
In conclusion, in 2024, the Audit Committee has performed duties completely pursuant to its scope of authority, duty and responsibility as per approved by the Board of Directors. The Company applied knowledge, capability, prudence, carefulness, independence as well as provided constructive comments and recommendations. The Audit Committee is of the opinion that the Company has prepared the financial reports which contained essence and reliable information according to the financial reporting standards; the related transactions which may have conflicts of interest have been adequate disclosed; corporate governance process, risk management process and internal control processes were prudent, adequate, and appropriate and laws and regulations relevant to the business operations have been complied with.
-Sauwanee Thairungroj-
(Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sauwanee Thairungroj) Chairman of the Audit Committee
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)

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