Page 197 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 197

  Report of the Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee
The Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee consists of 2 independent directors and 3 executive directors who are Mr. Varunyoo Sila as Chairman, Mrs. Wilaiwan Srisamrual, Mr. Somyod Suteerapornchai, Mr. Thepthai Sila, and Mr. Sarawut Charuchinda. In 2023, the Risk Management Committee has arranged 2 meetings and directors attended all 4 meetings. A summary of the operational work is as follows:
1. Monitored the progress of operations according to the 2023 and 2024 risk assessment and risk management: damage from fire and natural disasters, the risk of employees not following the work manual, public utility system risk that may affect the auction, the risk of disclosure of personal information, and the risk of returning the auctioned vehicle in various cases.
2. Supervise and set forth the risk management guidelines in accordance with the corporate governance principles
3. Considered the new risk assessment and risk management for 2024.
4. Considered the setting of plans and guidelines for risk assessment and management in 2024. 5. Reviewed the Charter of the Executive Committee in the Meeting No. 4/2024 on 22
October 2024.
The Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee was of the opinion that in 2024, the Company had a risk management system that was able to sufficiently oversee the Company's major risk and it was suitable for the business operations. This included continually managing risk in accordance with the changing circumstances. Consequently, the Company’s material risks can be effectively controlled to be in acceptable levels, so it can be confident that business operations’ target can be achieved for the best interest of the shareholders and all stakeholder groups.
-Varunyoo Sila-
(Mr. Varunyoo Sila) Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Risk Committee
Attachment 6
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Union Auction Public Company Limited

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