Page 44 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 44
Part 1
Business Operation and Operating Results
Expectation of Stakeholder
Response to Meet Expectation
of Stakeholder
Pay remuneration and evaluate performance fairly
Promote training and knowledge development Listentotheemployee’s opinion and complaint through various channels. Improve working environment pursuant to the occupational health and safety principles.
Participation Channel
- -
- Remuneration
- Welfares
- Stability and career path
- Occupational safety - Employees’ potential
- Town Hall Meeting and Coffee Table Meeting
- Arrange training both
inside and outside the
- Whistleblowing/ reporting box
Competitor Business Partner
Compete in business with honesty and fairness
- Strictly comply with the agreed conditions.
- Maintain trade secret of the business partner.
- Do not take advantage of business partner.
- Develop quality of services
- Develop services to become one stop services.
- Receive information adequately for making purchase decision.
- Treat customers equally
- Keep customers’ secret
Conduct business with transparency and fairness in accordance with good corporate governance principles.
Get together or meeting with the Association of Used Car.
- Conduct business
under business ethics framework, good corporate governance principles and anti-corruption and fraud policy
- There are verifiable processes in place.
- Develop quality of service regularly.
- Develop and modernize service systems constantly.
- Provide thorough information to the employees to support for their provision of information to customer.
- Increase additional channels that the customer can be accessible to information
- Place importance on personal data protection laws.
- Conduct customer satisfaction survey
- Whistleblowing / reporting channels
- Conduct customer satisfaction survey.
- Set up a customer
relations department to support after-sales service.
- Various promotional activities
- Contact Center
- Whistleblowing/
reporting channels
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)