Page 46 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 46
Part 1
Business Operation and Operating Results
2. Environmental Policy and guidelines
The Company is committed to operate business with sustainable growth in conjunction with effective environmental management, by taking into account importance of natural resources as well as reduction of environmental impacts caused by the Company's activities. Such undertakings can contribute to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, including waste that can affect ecosystems, such as energy, garbage and pollution. The Company recognize that "good environment and hygiene are basis of every activity." Based on this concept, the Company has specified the environmental policies as follows:
1. Strictlycomplywiththelaws,regulationsandrequirementsrelatedtotheenvironmenttocontrol negative impact on the environment.
2. Protect the environment and prevent accidents and incidents from business operations which may affect the environment.
3. Improve the management and review the environmental plans regularly every year to develop a sustainable environmental management system.
4. Develop the occupational safety, health and work environment management systems in accordance with the law, international standards and other requirements to ensure occupational safety for employees, business partners, contractors and persons who visit or operate the works within the Company.
5. Settargettoreduceconsumptionofenergy,electricity,waterandotherresourcesbyusing them as sparingly and efficiently as much as possible.
6. Promote training to develop potential of employees to be knowledgeable and raise awareness on importance of the environment, occupational safety, health and work environment.
Although the Company does not use natural resources as a factor for production of goods directly, but the Company's operational activities may contribute to environmental impacts, directly or indirectly, therefore, the Company arranges campaigns and cultivates the employees’ consciousness on environmentally responsibility continually, to reduce unnecessary consumption of resources and energy, as well as to be a part in reducing global warming and greenhouse gas emissions.
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)