Page 47 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 47

  Part 1
Business Operation and Operating Results
Activities to achieve the environmental management goals
1. Energy conservation and selection to use the environmentally friendly equipment
The Company sets out the electrical energy and water saving guidelines so that all employees can comply in the same direction as follows:
- Turn off the lights and air conditioners every time they are not in use, such as turn off the light during lunch break, turn off air conditioner before end of working hours.
- Set time for turning on-off the lights in common areas. Choose energy-saving electrical equipment, such as lamps, air conditioners and electrical equipment, to use in office buildings. Always check and replace electrical appliances to keep them in good working condition.
- Choose products that do not have adverse effect on the environment, do not contain hazardous chemicals and substances that are harmful to the environment. Avoid using consumables that do not benefit the workplace and the environment.
- Reduce the use of paper and plastic, including separate waste before disposal, so that it can be recycled and reused.
- Control amount of water and energy used in the operating process.
- Organize Big Cleaning Day activity.
- Provide training to educate and raise awareness of all employees on importance of energy
saving energy and conservation of environment.
2. Environmentally friendly (green) business development
The Company manages sustainability in the environmental dimension, starting with cultivating consciousness on global conservation from within the organization, by changing the traditional working system which requires a lot of documents to electronics working system and applying more digital innovation technology in the working to facilitate customers and reduce the use of paper
resources or use paper sparingly, as well as reduce the energy consumption from
paper copying processes or document destruction. Currently, the Company is in
the process of improving the procurement policy to promote the environmentally
friendly procurement pursuant to the principles of the Green Procurement by taking
into consideration resource reduction, recycling, and waste reduction.
The Company operates the property auction business and the main properties in the auction are vehicles and motorcycles. During operating procedures, each vehicle has to be transported, therefore the Company has to reduce some unnecessary work processes to control pollution incurred during transportation to the appropriate level and try to balance and minimize impact of environment within the
   Aims to reach Carbon Neutrality in 2050
บริษัท สหการประมูล จากัด (มหาชน)
Union Auction Public Company Limited

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