Page 51 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
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  3. Social policy and guidelines
The Company determines to conduct business with transparency while recognizes the importance of the society including respect the human rights throughout the value chain under the concept of creating a center of sustainable organization as follows:
Business Fairness
Fairness in business competition
The Company has policy to operate the business with transparency and open for the audit at all levels. The Company has no policy to take advantages on its competitors by playing unfair games, such as distorting the business information to make customers or trade counterparts misunderstand in order to make use of its advantages on competitors in the same type of business to acquire customers by conducting business that is unfair to competitors.
Fairness to trade counterparts
The Company has a policy to do business honestly and to be responsible for every trade counterpart fairly without discrimination.
Human rights respect
The Company has the human rights policy and set up the practical guidelines on respect of fundamental human rights concretely. The directors, executives and employees were encouraged to take part in supporting and strengthening the compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of the United Nations, to prevent violation of human rights which may incur from business activities of the Company, and to focus on promotion of corporate culture which treat others with respect without discrimination, as well as to establish the penalty causes in case of violation of human rights. In addition, there is a risk prevention, monitoring, and review process to ensure that the potential impact is at an acceptable level.
Human rights respect for internal corporate
The Company respects the human rights and provides the equal treatment to every person in the corporate according to the working contract, no child labor under the legal age, regardless of gender, nationality, religion, or any others that could lead to the lack of unity or inequality. The Company also encourages the promotion for employees according to their individual capability regardless of other factors.
Part 1
Business Operation and Operating Results
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Union Auction Public Company Limited

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