Page 66 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
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  Part 2
Corporate Governance
5. Nurture Innovation and Responsible Business: The Company has developed a modern online auction system so that the auction is transparent and fair which can create confidence for customers and trade partners as well. In addition, the customer and trade partner satisfaction assessments have been arranged to bring feedback received for further development of the services.
6. Strengthen Effective Risk Management and Internal Control: The Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee of the Company, considered and evaluated various risks which included finding solution guidelines and preventing potential risk regularly. In addition, the Internal Audit Office of the Company reviewed the internal control system and managed various risk on a quarterly which was reported to the Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee, the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, respectively.
7. EnsureDisclosureandFinancialIntegrity:TheCompanyprovidedaccurateandeffectiveaccounting processing programs and was audited by an auditor from a reputable auditing company that has no relationship or interest with the Company, executives, major shareholders or any related person. Therefore, the auditor is independent to the audit and expressed opinions on the Company's financial statements and was able to maintain financial credibility and the disclosure of the Company’s information. In this regard, the Company reviews the appointment of auditors to propose to the shareholders' meeting annually.
8. EnsureEngagementandCommunicationwithShareholders:TheCompanyalwaysprovidebusiness information, performance and trends for investors, shareholders and interested parties to acknowledge through various channels such as the online show for investment and organizing company visits for the analyst and institutional investor.
These principles emphasize the role of the Board of Directors and integrates good corporate governance principles, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development for business operations so that all parties can benefit together and use as a practical guideline for the Company’s CG Policy. The Company has reviewed every year. The Company has announced and informed to directors, executives, and all employees to ensure their acknowledgement and strict practices.
Policy and Guidelines of the Board
Board of Directors’ Structure
The Board of Directors consists of persons with knowledge, expertise and experience beneficial to the business and committed to conduct the efficient administration for the quality growth and sustainability of the business. The business administration focuses on ethics and utmost benefits for shareholders. The Board of Directors identifies the policy, vision, mission, objectives and supervises the executive team to align with such policy in compliance with the law, regulations and resolutions of the shareholder meeting with responsibility, caution, honestly, transparency according to the good corporate governance.
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)

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