Page 68 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 68
Part 2
Corporate Governance
The evaluation process is as follows:
1. Each committee evaluates the efficiency of the entire performance of the Board of Directors at least once a year.
2. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee proposes the evaluation results to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to consider the evaluation results and the development guidelines for the improvements of the operational efficiency of the Board of Directors
3. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee proposes remuneration to the Board of Directors before proposing to the shareholders meeting. This was done by considering the evaluation of the Board of Directors and the Company's overall performance at an appropriate level and in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of the directors.
In addition, the Company has arranged for self-assessment of each director individually, and the assessment results will be used as guidelines for improvement and rectification of duties performed by the directors. In 2024, results from the assessment on performing duties of the Board of Directors and every sub-committees were in the efficient level.
Policy and Guidelines of the Shareholders and Stakeholders
The Company recognizes and gives importance to the fundamental rights of shareholders as the owners of the Company and as securities investors such as the right to trade or transfer the securities that one holds, the right to receive sufficient information of the Company, the right to receive the Company’s profit sharing, the right to attend the Shareholders' Meeting, the right to express opinions, the right to participate in making decisions on important matters of the Company such as dividend allocation, appointment or removal of directors, appointment of auditors, approval of important transactions that affect the business direction of the Company, etc.
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) held on 5 April 2024 at 10.00 a.m. through Electronic Media (E-AGM) under the Emergency Decree on Electronic Meetings B.E. 2563 and other related laws, at the meeting room of the Company.
Pre - AGM
The Company had disclosed a letter and invited shareholders to propose the agenda of the AGM including to submit related questions to the Board of Directors in advance during 27 November 2023 until 31 January 2024. Shareholders can submit a written nomination letter to the Board of Directors through the Company Secretary/Investor Relations within a dateline that set by the Company along with the following: relevant documents to his/her shareholding status; nominee’s acceptance letter by the nominated individual and qualification documents, in which the nominee must possess qualifications and no legal prohibiting characters in accordance to the Public Company Act. The Board of Directors considered the selection requirements for the meeting’s agenda, questions and nominees for the appointment of
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)