Page 69 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 69
Part 2
Corporate Governance
directors. In case that proposed agendas were selected, the Company would inform in the meeting’s invitation as the agenda by shareholders; in case of rejection, the Company would provide explanation to shareholders in the meeting. In the 2024 AGM, there are no any shareholders proposed the agenda, submit related questions and nominate qualified candidates to be elected as directors.
The Company disclosed the invitation of the 2024 AGM through the Company’s website and SET’s communicating channel on 5 March 2024 in the prior to 30 days. The Company sent the meeting’s invitation specifying place, date, time, rules, procedures, proposed agendas to the meeting along with details and explanations, the Board of Directors’ opinion on each agenda, proxies, form 56-1 one report, and other related information in QR code to all shareholders as of book closing date, not less than 21 days.
The Company allowed shareholders who were not available to attend the meeting to authorize proxy to their behalf or to the Independent Director of the Company, in which the Company would inform the name of every eligible Independent Director of the Company for receiving the authorization through Proxy Form A, B, or C along with the meeting invitation in QR Code or could also be downloaded on the Company’s website. The shareholders can submit the document to the Company for advance registration, after that the shareholders or the proxy will receive a link to attend the meeting including the manual on log-in the E-AGM system via email at least 1 day in advance before the meeting date. Shareholders are allowed to register in advance at least 7 business days before the meeting date.
The Day of AGM
The Company allowed shareholders to log in for one (1) hour prior to the meeting at 9.00 a.m. The Board of Directors for 9 persons, all subcommittees, all executives, the Company’s independent auditor, and the legal advisor were altogether presented at the meeting.
As the shareholders’ meeting has been arranged electronically, so voting has been done via electronical system or E-Voting. The e-Proxy Voting system has been used to facilitate, reduce time and expenses. The shareholder can choose to vote in each agenda either one of “Agree” “Disagree” or “Abstain”. In case, any agenda has not been voted, the system will consider that the shareholder has voted in such agenda as “Agree” automatically.
The meeting’s Chairman had assigned the Company Secretary to inform the total number of attendees, which comprised of attendees both in person and with proxy, and the explanation of the voting procedure with voting ballots. The meeting was conducted in accordance to the agendas stated on the meeting’s invitation without changes and did not seek considerations of other non-preapproved agendas. The meeting’s Chairman allowed for discussion on each agenda to provide questions, suggestions, and recommendations, in which the Company had noted relevant topics on the meeting’s minutes for shareholders’ review.
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Union Auction Public Company Limited