Page 70 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 70
Part 2
Corporate Governance
The resolution of each agenda, through voting rights, one (1) share was equal to one (1) vote. Shareholders were allowed to vote for appointment of directors individually for the election of directors to replace the directors who retire by rotation agenda. Each of agenda resolutions would be summarized and communicated including voting results by specifying the total shares voted: agree, disagree, and abstain.
In case of additional shareholders joining the meeting, the additional shareholders could vote on only agendas whose resolutions had not been identified.
Post - AGM
After the meeting, the Company disclosed the meeting’s resolutions through SET’s communicating channel which included details of resolutions and voting result of each agenda. The Company performed the minutes of the Shareholders Meeting accurately and thoroughly, especially the voting procedures and method of counting votes, to include the voting results of agree, disagree, and abstain, and the suggestions and questions provided by every shareholder. The record was available, both in Thai and English, on the Company’s website on the page of investor relations,, and sent to the Stock Exchange of Thailand within 14 days after the meeting.
The Company realized the importance of disclosing information accurately, completely, and transparently to investors, shareholders, related parties, and general public interest through SET’s communication channel and the Company’s website. If there are any questions, suggestions, or recommendations, could be contact the Company Secretary or Investor Relations by telephone number at 0 2033 6555 or email to; the Company would be considered and leveraged for the improvement and development of the Company’s operations.
The Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
The Company has a policy to treat all shareholders equally by giving priority to maintaining the fundamental rights of shareholders and encouraging shareholders to exercise their rights in accordance with specified laws by providing equal and complete information so that shareholders can have confidence in their investments.
The Company treats every shareholder; majority or minority, institutional or individual, should receive equitable and fair treatment, in order to make all shareholders enjoy their basic rights equally concerning the shareholders’ meeting, the prevention on usage of inside information including the protection of the minor shareholders’ rights. In addition, it is to ensure that the Board of Directors and the management can supervise and manage various aspects of equitable treatment of shareholders appropriately, according to the corporate governance principles.
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)