Page 72 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 72

  Part 2
Corporate Governance
The Company’s human resources development policy as follows:
1) The Company will choose and promote people who are good, competent, professional and continually improve their knowledge and skills in order to be more effective in their responsibilities.
2) Overseers have the responsibility of planning, following-up, evaluating, giving feedback and promoting personnel development equally.
3) Employees have equal opportunities in training and developing their skills.
4) Employees receive fair remuneration through career advancement. Remuneration is based on the quality and success of the employee’s performance, attitude and potential.
5) The appointing, rewarding or removing of employees must be done honestly and in accordance with the employee’s competence, ability, behavior and suitability.
6) The Company regularly monitors and maintains a safe working environment to protect the employee’s life and property.
7) The Company listens to the comments and suggestions of employees in every position equally by providing channels that employees are able to inform the Company regarding actions that are against the Company’s work, regulations, orders, announcements or laws.
3. Competitor
The Company treated business competitors in accordance with the law, international competition principles and adhered to fair competition regulations as described below:
1) TheCompanycarriesoutbusinessundercompetitiveregulationswithintegrityandfairness.
2) The Company does not seek confidential information of its business competitor in a dishonest or inappropriate manner.
3) TheCompanydoesnotdestroythereputationofcompetitorsthroughaccusations,slander or attacks without any truth.
In 2024, the Company operated businesses without any dispute with the competitor.
4. Business Partners
The Company has policies and procedures regarding procurement by carrying out its business fairly and faithfully, protecting the interests of business partners, strictly complying with joint agreements and regulations, and adhering to business ethics. The Company selected potential trade partners for sustainable business operations as well as procured quality products pursuant to the standards and could deliver products and services on time. There were no violations of the labor or human rights laws. The general guidelines are stated below:
1) The Company does not take or offer any inappropriate remuneration to its business partners.
2) TheCompanystrictlycompliestoconditionsthatithaswithbusinesspartners.Inthe case that the Company is unable to comply with the conditions, the Company will rush to inform business partner in advance in order to find a resolution together by using reasonable principles.
3) The Company strictly and regularly keeps the information of its business partners and does not use business partner’s information for the benefit of the Company or any other relevant parties.
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)

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